Lt Hurwitz

I hope you fucks look at Dallas and are all smiling ear to ear today. This is what you and BLM want, this is what you've got.

I don't think so at all, It's the only way to please all parties. And BLM has called for police to be removed from black areas.

You people appreciate extremes.

No I'm advocating for police to have a total work stoppage. What these guys were doing running up like nuts to a gun call in a shithole neighborhood I have no idea on Earth. I'd have said I was stuck in traffic and showed up two hours later. That's what I'm saying all police in the country should do, nothing. In areas

De-policing has saved lives in St. Louis, Baltimore, and Chicago. It will save countless lives every year going forward.

Laugh it up, but police need to be removed from all minority areas, it's a fact and most people on here agree.

It's good you find the daily, unmitigated, constant slaughter of black bodies funny. The only way to stop the killings is to remove police from these areas.

That doesn't matter, as I said the only answer is de-policing.

Alton Sterling was a saint! A saint! do not disparage this hero of the community. Sure we all commit multiple felonies and do years in prison from time to time, it happens to the best of us, that doesn't mean he shouldn't be allowed to fight with police and refuse their orders to comply while carrying a concealed

If there were no police in majority minority neighborhoods these shootings wouldn't happen, pull them out now.

I agree completely; pull police from minority neighborhoods now!

There is only one answer; de-policing, de-policing, de-policing.

You're absolutely right; two very attractive women making out is not about breaking boundaries ha-ha.

Eh that Sony exec got crucified for saying Denzel won't play overseas in The Equalizer, and that movie ended up only making ninety million outside the US. Hollywood doesn't want to take chances with movies that should make 70% of their gross overseas but wind up tanking.

Has a black female led movie ever done a billion? Then it ain't ever going to happen.

If Black Panther makes five hundred million overseas anything's possible.

So Israel gets bombed and should do nothing in response? A fitting idea from a generation of pussies.

I just find it funny that you retards always side with the 7th century brigade against a modern Western democracy. You also always deflect the simple question; all things being equal would you rather live in Israel or under Hamas? You can't answer Israel because your college professor told you not to, so…deflect. It's

Hamas doesn't bomb anyone?

That's comical after everyone on here is condemning Israel and forgiving Hamas, as mush brained liberals are wont to do.