Lt Hurwitz

"I still don't feel like debating Hiroshima."

So what should have been done?

That's because you live on the internet. No one wants Captain America banging dudes, it would be an economic disaster, and will never happen.

Nothing to see here, all is well

Twitter to Marvel: "Launch and atomic torpedo into your biggest franchise"

Alert Black Lives Matter, the police have done it again…oh wait, nothing to see here.

People lose weight, and people put the weight back on. I want to be the one who keeps it off just to give conventional wisdom the finger, that's how I've done it, pure stubbornness. That said I'm a good 10-15 above my recent low.

+ reality show contestants may in fact be terrible people…

It can be sixty things. What it wasn't was bad. It was great.

It doesn't matter. No matter how many empowering demonstrations of Grrrilll Power! there are, a single scene in which women are treated poorly equates to the show being a swamp of mysooginy…even though the time period which it most closely resembles was a swamp of misoogniy.

What in the hell are you babbling about?

Simpsons reference. Comic Book Guy.

It wasn't a justification of why he said Hodor, it was a lesson Bran had to learn about how being the Raven can effect the past, present, and future.

Yeah, probably not.

The point of that scene wasn't why he said Hodor, the point was Bran's recklessness killed Hodor/ruined his life, but was also inevitable and necessary. A wise man once said "time is a flat circle…"

I just think in a show this packed there was just no room for them. They're a holdover to a bygone era, and their deaths represent the death of that era would be my philosophical take, as much as I would have like a Lassie-esque episode solely featuring Sam falling into a well and ghost rescuing him, to me there is no

This was, without a doubt, the worst episode ever!

Ned Stark was introduced early on in away that implies…

It was one of the best endings of a television show ever. Just enjoy it people.

The direwolves themselves serve no plot purpose.