Lt Hurwitz

But but but sad face, doggie dead.

I thought it was going to be the Jon Snow reveal, but now that seems like it would have stuck out to me. Mentioning the Eyrie could have relevance if Bran interprets it as a threat coming from there, "…if you must fight, win" or whatever Ned's father said.

Probably would have been too distracting, you would have been focusing on that and that whoops Hodor's doing something.

Worst episode ever.

He learned his time traveling effects the past and the future. That was what he had to learn before the Raven bought it.

They can't cross the wall because it's magic or something, I assume Ramsay will beat the wall down with the heads of every character we love, just like firing them out of a cannon at the wall, and that's how they get through.

Vincent Gallo is nuts so I tend to enjoy him, but she's a beautiful woman whatever her weight. I would say "Sleepy Hollow" era Ricci was the height of her boobs distracting me.

She's still ridiculously hot.

I'm sure the producers will give the opinions of 50 people on Twitter the consideration they deserve.

The only reason the first Ghostbusters works is because of Bill Murray.

It's cashing in on pointless nostalgia, so yes every single element.

Two words: "Girl you best get me my tuna and cheese."

Or she knows she needs Jon, so she's giving him strength by supporting him? Not everything has to be "men bad, woman good."

I know it's racist to not cast a Tibetan in that role, but how would China react to that casting decision? It would react by saying "If you want our money do not cast a Tibetan."

It's almost as if people can predict what's coming because it's been flawlessly set up from the beginning.

Work? Walking Dead?

Iwan Rheon in "The True story of Vlad the Impaler"!

But will it play in China?

Or did he want Ramsay to kill Sansa so he could lead an army and be the hero of the North in retaking Winterfell?

Shawshank Redemption, sucks by the way.