Lt Hurwitz

You all get pissed when I go on about political correctness, here is why I do. The inevitable conclusion of internet outrage; a fat Super Sayan.

Yes, but women with thigh gaps are conventionally attractive and therefore deserve to feel a little bad about themselves.

It's not liberal, or conservative. It's a business. They want safe across the board, they passed on The Passion too, and that made more money than all the movies mentioned in the article combined.

So many movies on Netflix: woman trying to escape from house, woman trying to stop someone from entering house. This was better visually than most, but not scary and kind of boring. "You're Next" is the best of them.

I was not quite dreading, but indifferent at the prospect of Bran's return. The flashbacks are a genius way of getting us right back to being emotionally invested in him. I mean Flazhbaxx r 1amez.

Absolute no brainer. It's just a tease to build suspense

He was out of office for 4 years when the "Arab spring" happened.

If a piece of entertainment doesn't fit the reviewers politics it gets a bad review, that's the avclub way.

2002: Afghanistan went pretty well, and the people love me, let's invade Iraq because we are totally awesome at this.

In the grand scheme of things it's just a week. It's going to happen, let it run it's course, put your foot down, and get back on the horse.

Shame on all of you. I just want to watch "Honk if You're Horny" in peace.

It's a slow process of many ups and downs, consisting of a lifetime of work. Hard to make a television show out of that. But lasting weight loss is doable, and more than that, worth the sacrifice.

Losing 200+ pounds in seven months is a stunt and unsustainable. You have to retrain your body to adapt over a long period of time.

I didn't think it was that bad, or exceptional. It's just soulless comedy #129.

That was a really great and moving scene, Thoros said something like "I just missed my friend."

I hate to get to involved in the minutiae of the motives of a fictional light God, but now Davos has to believe in the "the lord of light right"? This was his idea after all.

I love how there's also the complaint that when women do have their own agency (because of course the Dark Ages was well known for women having equal rights) they act just as badly as men. Have these people ever met any women? Because they are just as bad as men.

You view the world through a lens to justify your beliefs because your beliefs, and you, are weak.

Lord Commander Edd?

And it was still handled pretty perfectly. Melisandra didn't pull a Thoros of Mir and leap onto Jon passionately reciting the words, she was defeated as she said them, and defeated when it didn't work. It was set up really well.