Lt Hurwitz

I'd include the three paragraphs about female character agency. I don't know what they want when they say that. Sansa to have become warrior Queen of the North without having any training, ability, or hardship happen to her on the way? They're characters in a story going on a journey, let the journey take place for

Why do you dorks have to make everything about feminism of the patriarchy or blah blah blah? Can't it just be a good story with characters having ups and downs? Why do you have to try to ruin everything by making it so lame? And what is this woman's agency you keep talking about? As if it would be this super amazing

Ramsay can walk them and the Beyhive into his kennels anytime.

Next week he's going to try and block out the sun.

Um, that would be whitewashing of key Asian roles, and thus a hatecrime.

The implication being that Chinese people can't be racist?

This guy wrote that? It's so triggering, and problematic.

I was thinking maybe every show should be a solitary figure sitting on the floor with no obvious gender traits, wearing a white body suit, but then I realized the white body suit would be offensive and I couldn't think of a color palette that would be inoffensive so I quit. Victory, Sava.

This season isn't about Jessica Jones! 2/10 wud not bang.

She was up for image change X, and this is what her team came up with.

Ohhhh, so the Chinese people who do Tai Chi in the park are being offensive racist stereotypes too?

So Chinese people don't drink tea or paint?

Wilson was cleared every which way. Multiple, credible eyewitness backed his story to the point that Obama's DOJ lead by Eric Holder concurred that Brown fought Wilson, and then charged him. How do you idiots still want him to be Rosa Parks?

Plus she whipped Grandma's ass with a pipe when she was selling Mike Brown merchandise in a parking lot without giving up a cut, so I guess that discussion is settled.

People take a load of crappy pop music with bad lyrics, which are not even written by the artist, so seriously. It is confusing.

Shouldn't it have been Mike Brown's grandmother, since she raised him?

He thinks differently, zis iz not allowable.

Especially because no powerful men get tortured.

"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women."

It handles rape in a way that makes rape seem terrible, how dare they?! But you can check off "I wrote about Game of Thrones and mentioned how problematic it is for my safe space" from your list of avclub mandates.