Lt Hurwitz

Reporter boss to Karen: "Why would you be sympathetic to someone who shot someone?"

Compared to how people were in the 50's we're all plus sized. And it sucks.

This season it jumped Nolan's Batman as my favorite comic book adaption ever made. There were no lulls, it was such a giant improvement over season 1, even Foggy was tolerable.

I never agreed with the criticism of Bale's Batman until seeing Cox's Daredevil. They're different characters obviously, but he does the transition from Murdock to Daredevil so well.

Marvel getting The Punisher right for the first time is very huge, that overshadows Elektra. Bernthal blew the doors off it.

Why did Punisher get sent to a jail with New York City Corrections Officers when, as a convicted felon, he should be upstate with State CO's? Because people like me who would notice that are tiny in number.

Ralph Wiggum is money in the bank. The one constant all these years.

I love watching lefties trying to out victim each other, I think your joke othered them, this micro-aggression cannot stand.

Who likes this asshole? He isn't funny and looks luck a plucked buzzard.

Ask the Cossacks they'll tell ya.

Russians are white, so safe to kill on screen without causing so many micro-aggressions people run into their safe spaces crying blood, but are also intimidating unlike regular white people. This is why they remain Hollywood's go to villains even after the cold war.

As opposed to you who's biggest life decision will be whether to have 25 hot pockets or 30.

When people don't know who the person is they're making a movie about.

Justice League: Dawn of Fabulous!

Give Lobo to Snyder, not Superman.

Studio cut in China is only about whatever the hell we feel like giving you, when we feel like giving it.

Because they shoot every black person they see. It's true! I read it on the internet!

I thought jawn was short form of jabroni, you bozos.

J.J Whedon?

It has such a bad rep but there is a lot of good there. The perfect casting helped.