Lt Hurwitz

That is probably scarily accurate.

He has good ideas, but needs to be really reigned in by producers so the 14 year old boy who just read Catcher in the Rye doesn't take over.

Snyder is talented, but not the guy you had the keys to.

Sting with spikey hair in a knife fight, Alicia Witt at 5 sounding like a Grandma who smokes 2 packs of Parliments a day, worm surfing. Dune is good bad.

The possibility of that Youtube critic bursting blood vessels is reason enough to cast Emma Stone in every Asian female lead role henceforth.

The original run of AvP was great. It had a slow build-up, lots of fun actions set pieces, and a strong lead heroine. The movies were barely above Asylum level.

I'm sure there are non-blood drenched Dark Horse comics, but I've never seen'em.

There was an element to that, she was designed to elicit hatred of Fisk in the cheapest way possible by being unrealistically sympathetic; the perfect kindly old woman. I loved season 1, but that story line was painfully bad.

He's ten years away from being too old for this shit.

It was horribly manipulative and contrived, she wasn't a real person just a collection of stereotypes, the actress's performance was also pretty terrible.

No, it means you live in a fantasy world where criminals never have to be dealt with harshly. Instead of bullets, the Punisher's guns should fire free college education, medical marijuana, and tickets to a Sanders rally.

It's not hard to find comments about how problematic hipster toolboxes on avclub find The Punishers micro-aggressions to be. He is unacceptable in this day and age, even if he is intended to be unacceptable. Unless he's shooting criminals with free college education and tickets to a Sanders rally the coddled will rage

She is a lot of fun, especially because her total lack of any code is what really makes Murdock squirm, he is not one bad day away from becoming Elektra. Murdock and Castle are two sides of the same coin, he and Elektra are completely different currencies, which has been interesting. Including in this episode.

Lean and mean, no interminable "Mrs. Cardenas" story line, which to me nearly sunk season 1.

Hipster toolboxes obsessed with having the right opinion.

"(I kind of wish the show had taken the opportunity to point out how our culture’s opinions of killing change so drastically within the context of the military, but the story is mostly here to emphasize’s Frank heroism and skills)"

I'm not saying that, I'm saying you people can accept one and not the other for the reason I stated. Same reason Jessica Jones is so overpraised.

That's why he's the skull, it's the Grim Reaper, not the Joyous Reaper which Elektra is. Struggling to accept his determined stoicism to clear the streets of people who are truly evil against her desire to…have fun killing? It's the pretty face and great smile fooling people the way it fools Matt Murdock. She's been

Funny how you can put a pretty face and nice smile on killing and everyone will cheer Elektra on, but people ten kleenex think-piece struggle to cheer on The Punisher (even though he doesn't kill for the Paris Hilton unleashed joy of it)

That fake soulless politician smile.