Lt Hurwitz

It must be great to wave a hand at anything someone says and dismiss it with "that's X and should not be said or heard." I'm sure you'd say someone writing "socialism is bad" has a narrow worldview, because you, and presumably the author, agree with socialism. The liberal desire to purge all unpleasant thought cannot

Yup, it's the tenet of moral equivalence, ensuring you don't have to pick a side. You can proclaim ISIS and the US as equally bad, so therefore you can criticize both and max out how amazingly perfect your opinions are. This is really indicative of Israel as well. Where would you rather live Mecca or Tel Aviv? (Trick

Whining about gun violence and then actively glorifying it to millions of people is hypocritical. Since you agree with the politics of the hypocrite, you ignore that.

It's not the member of ISIS who does the beheading who is culpable, it's really the US. Good to know.

Because liberal politics dominate mainstream art at every level, one group skews the other way and they must be destroyed, regardless of the merit of the music.

If Mustaine sang about Bernie Sanders being King of the world the reviewer would have called this album of the decade. It's a shame he, and you, can only appreciate art that fits your narrow worldview.

"To be perfectly honest I often don't know who's directing movies I watch or forget."

We need a great war, or a great depression, something to give people a real purpose in life.

Kubrick says F Ur 1 take.

If only Kubrick had cgi, and Matrix bullet time, he could have gotten some energy out of this lifeless scene:

Naked women! Who wants to see that? Certainly no one on the internet.

During my travels in Europe, everything was much more civilized. Futbol, unlike American "Football" is not a tasteless bloodsport, it truly is the beautiful game…you probably never heard of it. - A.V club.

And now, for the ironic hipster take on American football…


No, it makes you a raging hypocrite. They should stick to their principles.

Nah, selling out core values for paycheck. That's what it is.


"Fuck the Police" ———-> one half of mismatch zany comedy duo in "Ride Along" franchise.

Harrison Ford looks like he can take a punch. Dave Franco not so much. Han Solo needs that quality.

It's opinion journalism masquerading as a documentary meant to elicit Twitter justice, the only way it could be more revolting is if Chris Brown involves himself somehow.