Lt Hurwitz

Eh, probably.

"Thanks to Netflix’s true-crime series Making A Murderer, the 2007 conviction of Wisconsin resident Steven Avery on rape and murder is one of the most hotly debated criminal cases in America today, tomorrow RiRi will drop a new song and America will completely forget this show ever existed."

Because it sucks.

So it's two years until Dunham shows up on the cover of Cosmo with the headline "Lena's new toned physique! Her workout routine will help you kiss those thunder-thighs goodbye!"

I don't want to not see "Ghostbusters" because it's got an all female cast; I don't want to see "Ghostbusters" because it's a pure Hollywood turd sandwich.

As someone said down thread; go hit up Brownsville, or Jamaica south of Liberty, and there's grittiness aplenty.

She can bang as many chicks as she wants, and they'll never end up on Maury's couch to find out who…is the father! No possibility of pregnancy = less serious.

I do admit that sometimes my mind control white male privilege gets out of control, I try to check it, but if I really want a pumpkin spice latte in July damnit Starbucks barista, you're making it.

Then Max wakes up. His hand pinned to his forehead by a hunting knife.

Practically all of Fury Road could be on this list, and the scene that was chosen is really effective, but car flies into the air and explodes during violent sandstorm chase, cut to warboy driving his rig: "oh what a day, what a lovely day." Is the best scene in any movie this year.

They could always just watch/read/listen to something else, you know something which completely fits into their existing biases of what they solely want to consume. Boring, but a choice they can make.

Everyone major character except Campbell and Lawless are pretty terrible, it kind of works in the B-movie universe of the show, but yeah she was terrible.

But whinging caused them to censor themselves going forward, that's a good thing right? No, it's a great thing!

They want her to pick up a long sword and lop off Ramsay's head. As if that would be more realistic than the dangerous psycho raping her.

And, as we all know, entertainment should never be frustrating. It should go exactly as the majority minority of internet whiners say it should.

I really couldn't believe the villain who flays people alive, and cut off a main character's penis, would rape someone. I mean, how dare they?

Ex Machina was good, it looked great, but was also intermittently dull, and the male lead who wasn't Oscar Issac, was a total flatline. Whatshername is a total nerd ingenue, so I get the hype.

I'm not offended, just find it curious how NWA gets a free pass.

Any comment on these NWA lyrics from the SJW contingent?

I don't know where this idea that Max did nothing in the movie comes from, I heard it over and over but when I finally saw the movie, I just didn't get that at all. If anything it was equal, but if it weren't for Max, Furiosa would be vulture food. It's this "men are not necessary" wishful thinking that seems to