Lt Hurwitz

Either sounds god awful. Drebin needs to be a dramatic actor playing a straight man, not some awful hack fart humorist.

Dystopian sc-fi with a happy ending is pretty daring not shitty, I mean that polar bear was probably hungry and ended up with plenty of children to eat.

I look at it as his answer to "Traffic" (which I couldn't stand, mostly for Topher Grace). I think it says a lot, mostly that everything is hopeless, and the bad guys always win, which are not messages people will cling to.

"The mutilations, the beheadings, that's just business, you have to keep up appearances"

"Save us Superman!"

She doesn't need a stiletto to stab you, that Vanessa.

Well not everyone can be Vampire Weekend. That is a band right? Not just two words I've thrown together?

No slaughter, it was a mixed bag. Cox was great as Daredevil, Deborah Ann Wolf in a show that isn't terrible was also nice, but there were parts that made me wince (usually involving Foggy and the little old lady). This was a really great episode, definitely one of the best of the year so far, the fight and the father

Somebody had to mention Daredevil "Cut Man." That was the best fight in t.v history.

Was just being hopeful, but he's probably done for. You don't need two werewolves.

Where are some villagers with torches and pitchforks when you need them?

Arabic slave trade maybe? Plenty of other slave trades, don't remember him mentioning specifics.

The Wolfman vs Frankenstein's monster next season? I'm in. Eva Green vs. Billie Piper? Definitely in. Wolfman Sembene killing Dorian Gray? Oh, you better believe I'm in for that.

Ned Stark would have done the noble thing and not burn his children, he'd have let them all die in the snow. That's why everyone loved poor dead Ned.

Studies? In confirmation bias?

Okay thanks to Google's SJW translator I think I can explain.

The white walkers would be the ones to break it, I'd think.

No he's selling dragon glass to the white walkers so they can track where it ends up.

Female is a sexist term because it makes the "Fe" subservient to the "male" please use Womyn, or Wyvern or somethin'. That way you'll be the most pc hipster who ever pc hipsted.

John Clare is insufferable, he's like an undead Ducky from that movie, when he sees Frankenstein with Lilly "If you leave" is going to start playing on the soundtrack.