Lt Hurwitz

Alternate title: "Website uses buzzy upcoming movie to generate clicks, then other websites use their using to generate even more clicks."

Carol? No way he picks her, unless he was gay.

And appeasing a tiny group who yell loudly on twitter becomes less and less important as the budget of the movie increases. I remember a Sony producer was pilloried because they said that Denzel's movies don't play well overseas, because such things should not be said, they're true, but shouldn't be said. No way would

Because it is an easy way for the shallow and high-minded to loudly score quickie diversity cred points.

Tide of popular opinion these days is fifty people on Twitter. Peter Parker is a white teenager and Marvel is going to cast a white teenager to play him, who'd-a-thunk?

- I have many interests, and I don't mean stamp collecting…though I do find that very interesting.

Tell her, her rump is as big as the Queen's, and twice as fragrant.

What are you people bitching about? They hired another woman to direct, the pluralism and diversity requirement is still met.

There's some Mariah Carey song that fits the template too, they're all similar.

It's contrived gibberish created to live in eternity at High School graduations, and wedding receptions, doubt there was much deeper meaning to either Jackson or R. Kelly beyond $$$$.

"…effectively hollow and disturbing…"

Their opinions are idiotic, and they think their feelings should trump business. I know straight white American males are the world's only racists, and homophobes, but shockingly a lot of foreign markets don't respond to diversity (diversity meaning no white characters of course, in the way a Tyler Perry movie can

Jesus F Christ you whiny SJW's can take the fun out of anything, it's just a videogame not a treatise on life, transgenderism among the Hmong people, or women's rights in Kyrgyzstan. They put a white guy in the lead because that's what makes them the most money. Give it a rest.

I'm saying if you enjoy all the benefit of modern living, and fossil fuel, shut up and stop pretending you don't. That's it. You're in the muck with everyone else, driving a Prius with a battery block made from nickel cadmium, and processed in a factory that Chinese slave laborers hurl themselves to their deaths from,

I don't care about your life, and everything everyone says on the internet is true. I bet you're an ex Navy SEAL, and championship Escrima master as well. I never understood the urge for someone to care enough about people's internet comment history to attempt to look at it, this has always just been a way to burn

I'm a dunce huh? Better than an internet tough guy. Even after wading through all that garbage you just wrote it amounts to just a summation of justification about how, even though you're as bad as everyone else about your "carbon footprint," you are still allowed to look down from a high horse and separate yourself

Lame is fine, hypocrital less so.

Sure the city is absolutely great for the environment, since trucks aren't needed to transport the endless amount of products brought in day in and day out, coal power plants aren't needed to provide the vast amount of power used by the 24/7 lifestyle (not including the subway though, that's powered by happy

Democratic approach: fly, drive a car daily, use amazon and various other delivery services, live in a large city, pretend to really really care.

If you're near a Fairway, they sell them.