Lt Hurwitz

It's hard to believe but places other than America can be racist, google racism in China, "there is none" isn't the top result.

That's actually how his character's name is credited in the cast list.

To be cynical, which I would never, it was directed by a woman so must be praised far beyond it's merits.

King of all Hipsters? Or 12?

I don't blame you, it's avclub so chances are people actually believe what I wrote.

Whenever I ask one of you neo-communist types what kind of cellphone you have, it's always the latest and shiniest. One of these days you'll pull something from your pockets you made yourself with sticks, and mud. That way you won't be a total hypocrite is what I'm saying.

Your sarcasm detector is on the fritz seek help.

Logic vs. Emotion. Reality vs. Hopes and Dreams. You're a monster for saying HBO can't keep a money loser around.

They do it for Girls may as well keep this around. Thank "Game of Thrones" for subsidizing it if they do. Same as "The Walking Dead" making everything else on AMC viable when those shows had no ratings.

"Jeez I'm sorry, I thought you'd get a fine…or tops three, four years in prison."

Conan the Barbarian. He goes toe to toe with your choice, he wins, and hears the lamentations of the women.

If you don't grow out of admiring dickhead Dobbler by 17 you are never going to get laid, everything he does in that movie is wrong, and his influence has, and continues to, wreck many a man's intentions with a woman upon the shore.

Don't walk around pointing a bb gun at people in public, "hands up don't shoot" is a lie ask Eric Holder's DOJ they'll tell ya, Eric Garner, should have taken arrest #32 the way he did arrest #31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 etc., because he survived all those, black people of Ferguson Missouri three months without

Ah yes, the old "false but true" narrative.

The list she's on has no: Jimmy Page, B.B King, Dave Mustaine, Eddie Van Halen, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Herman Li, etc., they were just trying to be different. Unless someone actually thinks Thurston Moore is technically superior to any of them, which would probably get you a free pair of ironic suspenders, or over sized

I mean they're not as awful as the usual hipster crap this site recommends, but how about they put out more than 3 albums before calling her one of the greatest guitarists all time?

They were going to make another song about Putin, but they pussied out.

Oh Lou Reed didn't suck, he was just a less polished, less talented Bob Dylan…and he sucks.

Nobody likes the Velvet Underground, they like saying they like the Velvet Underground.

It's not fair they use Lauren Cohan's legs to force me to watch "Talking Dead" on mute.