Lt Hurwitz

I meant those as examples of what I consider the best, funniest episodes of the series, very Homer and Mr. Burns heavy.

I don't go in for foot thick schmaltz, ("You only move twice," "Mountains of Madness," "Cape Feare," "Homer to the Max" God anything but "Lisa's Substitute" so tooth-shatteringly sweet). To each their own I guess.

What is it with people pining for the old sappy episodes of this show? This is one of the funniest, and therefore best, episodes ever.

The best, best line is "I'll kill you, you bloated museum of treachery!"

"Blackhat? Bah, welcome to January."

"Dolarhyde was played memorably by Ralph Fiennes Tom F Noonan…"

Which is why a show like True Detective can get savaged for not passing the sacred test, but Real Housewives of Wherever, passes with flying rainbow colors. Yes, it is a wonderful and wise test, it is.

All the main characters are female, they have deep, long conversations about topics other than men. Its just that they're not physicists who saved a bus load of children on their way to complete their work on robots that build houses for homeless orphaned puppies, they're all psychos instead. I think that portrayal

I can understand if he was firing a side by side, they kick like a mule, but anything with side eject is not that bad.

And an actor pantomiming the recoil of a shotgun wouldn't take you out by looking fake? No movie I can think of has ever come close to what actually firing a gun looks or sounds like.

You mean people cowed by political correctness aren't necessarily genuine in their beliefs? It can't be.

You damn hipsters aren't liking Slayer ironically now are you, they're legitimately great, you can like them for real.

I enjoyed it, it was unconventional.

The character does say something along the lines of "I wish I hadn't just come in shooting, so I could have found out who she was" admonishing himself for being, gasp, emotional upon seeing someone who could easily be perceived as his child's killer, as she was a total stranger in his house for no reason, soaking wet

It passes the Bechdel test with flying colors.

No, no, that was…sigh…that was the History channel, dude.

For me it didn't become un-watchable until the end of season 14, after that I completely checked out. I think saying "I stopped watching the Simpsons before it was cool, you probably never heard of season 9" is like saying you've read Dom Delillilloo, or watch Twin Peaks, its just the thing you have to say, and shit

If you admit that there were truly great episodes after season 9 will you be drummed out of hipster society, and forced to bring law to the lawless in the badlands of a broken Earth?

No point, most of their parents paid $100,000 for them to go to some exclusive college and then they come out spouting Noam Chomsky, they also see no irony in this. If you argue any point in favor of capitalism or Western Civilization in general prepare for

Cause women are perfect, and everything they do is as perfect as anything that has ever perfected before, except stupid men who they are 50% responsible for, perfect other than that.