Lt Hurwitz

Reread your comment, and reexamine your life.

Its what you wrote dude, blacks have to be portrayed a certain way now, and if otherwise it can't be done without excoriation.

Because in this enlightened age it can't be shown that some black people sometimes do bad things? Is that what you're saying? Your "most racially sensitive person evah" merit badge is in the mail. The other SJ Dubs will be so jealous.

Silently condone savage military aggression? I agree, let's all go protest Obama for putting troops back into Iraq! Yeah let's do this! Hello, Iraq anti-war movement from 2003-2008 are you there? Cindy Sheehan? Anyone?

This is what I've learned from the vast wealth of knowledge the avclub Hamas fanclub has regarding this conflict:

Karim couldn’t help expressing bitterness about this. “I don’t see any attention from the rest of the world,” he said. “In one day, they killed more than two thousand Yazidi in Sinjar, and the whole world says, ‘Save Gaza, save Gaza.’”…

That was a whole lotta nuthin, and Jesus, pathetically unfunny.

“Today you [Israelis] are fighting divine soldiers, who love death for Allah like you love life, and who compete among themselves for Martyrdom like you flee from death,” said Hamas Chief of Staff Muhammad Deif in a recorded statement broadcast Wednesday by Al Aqsa TV, the Hamas channel.

"Hamas would kill every single person in Israel. The reason why that is not happening is because they can't. Because they can't doesn't make them good, it makes them weak." - Bill Maher of all people.

At supporting genocidal terrorist organizations? Yes I am very bad at that.

If you link to articles you should probably read them first:

Oh Snidely, how are you able to stand up straight being so broadminded? Oh that's right, brain medicine, lots and lots of brain medicine.

You accuse Israel not of genocide, but of having the ability to commit genocide, which is somehow the same as genocide? So many questions. I do get it, Israel is the man, and Hamas is punk rock, so rock on with Hamas you rebel you.

And that's what it is, Hamas for all their talk are weak, and Israel is strong. It doesn't matter that Israel accomplished its goal of destroying the tunnels Hamas built for attacks on Rosh Hashanah, and has begun to withdraw, their strength is their crime. How dare those Jews fight, how dare they win, if only they'd

Negotiate with the side that believes the Jews bake matzos with the blood of Christians, why didn't they think of that! Its genius.

Yes, yes, you all loathe Hamas, yet also think Israel should man their border with soldiers carrying guitars playing kumbaya. Because it really is Israel that is the problem, not the seventh century brigade.

So if Hamas killed more Jews, then it would be okay? Alright now we're getting to the heart of it.

The criticism of Israel is driven by antisemitism. I offer the comparison of The war in Syria, and the domination of the Islamic State. The war in Syria has claimed the lives of estimated one hundred and seventy thousand, all Muslim, there has been condemnation of Syria sure but not nearly as vociferous as has been of

People who advocate for Hamas don't deserve the respect of polite discourse.

Don't be such a coward.