Lt Hurwitz

Just say it, its okay, you can say it. No one else here would judge you for it at all, only I would, that's one person among all the others who would cheer you and welcome the sentiment. So its not a big deal to just out and say what you really think about the Jews, this is a safe space for that, people will agree

Yeah, just if you go there make sure your women don't laugh, so as to protect their modesty.

Haha, he said he's an atheist, but also said he'd rather live ruled by Hamas than Israel. How does Hamas deal with apostates/atheists again?

Prepare for a life of disappointment, my friend.

If I get you talking long enough will you just come out with the old "if those damn Jews would just go away, there would be peace." I'm pretty sure its 100% you would.

Iranians are Persians, in case you didn't know, still call themselves that to this day as a call back to the great empire.

People love to kill, any excuse is as good as the other.

They hide bombs, soldiers, tunnel entrances, and ammunition directly under and within all of those facilities you listed. If they are used as ammo dumps, they are fair game. Hamas's strategy is to goad Israel into causing the death of Palestinian civilians, and win the subsequent social media war, all the while their

At least you have the balls to lie, not to actually do it, but to lie about wanting to. Unless you're serious, which in that case: NSA I don't know this guy, and I am not in his sleeper cell.

So you'd rather live under Hamas's law, than in Israel?

You're a cheerleader for Hamas, that should be enough.

Yup, its lonely not being an antisemite on this site, that's true.

Yes, a conversation with you is a fine example of the later, and the former.

Cool, cool. Just like your heroes in Hamas do.

Hey, its Hamas's favorite autistic fanboy!

Its a war you halfwit, not a pillow fight.

Ha, listen I just find it funny that you liberal types trip over yourselves to assail the only Democracy in the region, and cheer on Theocrats for whom you'd be first against the wall. Useful idiots, and all that.

So if Hamas conquered Israel, you'd run to live under their governance? Please say yes, please say yes. That's not going to happen anytime soon though, but don't be sad the Islamic State is kicking some major ass, you should leave for there right away.

Up your dosage, buddy.

Uh huh, like sexism, its totes wrong, and was like invented in the United States like almost three hundred years ago and stuff during the first official meeting of the like patriarchy.