Lt Hurwitz

Wishing death upon someone who disagrees with you, the liberal tolerance is strong with this one.

Dude, its the oppression Olympics, and everyone's going for gold.

If you read his reasoning, leaving aside the fact that he is the center of all evil, and probably was selected as executive officer at the last meeting of the "patriarchy," it makes sense that they want to control the growth of the brand, and maybe, just maybe, they chose "Guardians of the Galaxy" because they could

Preaching to the choir, buddy. Its just a period between ice ages, gotta occupy yourself with something.

I forget you liberal squishes don't have much ability to deal with adversity, so you take a comment like mine, think its hostile (since you have no reference for real hostility) and book an appointment with your therapist. It ain't that serious.

You realize this is just an internet site, not real life, none of this means anything. You know that right?

Reading someones disqus history, I mean, who does that really? Who cares enough to do that? "…raider from another site…" what?

"Institutionalized sexism" Jesus Christ, is there nothing you millennials won't make up bullshit pc words about? Its a business, they're making money hand over fist, so they're going to keep doing what they're doing, and don't give a fuck what you think. The general audience doesn't know who Ms. Marvel is, so its a

Disagree, this is the "patriarchy" in a nutshell

This is seriously something people get upset about? Maybe you all should have went and seen Catwoman when it was released and they wouldn't be so gun shy.

They haven't called up all their reserves, if they brought every resource to bear they could kill everyone in Gaza in a week. Again with the moral equivalence, again with the excuses for Hamas, they are excellent at manipulating you liberal squishes. It is so sadly amusing that the side of the conflict, who's

Another Hamas fan, wonderful. With you millennials are so weak and pathetic, groveling to our enemies, no wonder Putin is eating our lunch.

She has magic blood now? Did Kurtzman and Orci start writing True Blood?

And you tacitly support Hamas, I'm sure you place no blame on the great peacemaker Arafat either, with his Rolls Royces and Cayman Island bank accounts loaded with aid money, that he and his family stole. It'd be braver of you to just come out and say you think they're justified, but its smart of you to allow yourself

Eh, if being able to admit I'd rather live in Vienna than Tripoli makes me "megalomaniacal" in the eyes of the Berkeley brigade, I can live with that. Good on ya for admitting Che wasn't a hero of the people, baby steps.

Yes, okay I am teasing you, but with the sheer amount of compliments you hurl at yourself, with the ferocity of Gazan rockets toward Israeli civilians, you deserve it. I understand your nuanced points quite well; White Judeo-Christian civilizations dominate the world therefore they are the source of all evil. Israel

Israel is a modern liberal democracy, it supports women's, gay, and minority rights, the other side is Hamas. If Hamas kidnaps and murders three of Israel's citizens they have a right to respond. You cheering Hamas on works for your conscience, hooray for you.

And maybe one day you'll have the courage of your convictions to live in Gaza with those you admire so much, rather than be a coward merely advocating for Hamas from afar, though it probably is better for your overall health to allow some distance for your fanboying.

They're acting out of frustration and paranoia, not lust for power? They're not embracing it because they believe in it, in fact they'd be secular humanists like you if it wasn't for those dang Americans. You sort of view them as if they were the Navi in Avatar.

Bunch of extraneous words, "yeah Islamic extremists are sorta bad, but its really our fault, so what they do is actually completely forgivable", bunch more extraneous words. Yeah, I've gotten it by now.