Lt Hurwitz

And you keep trying to forgive their behavior by saying that its not really their fault, much like saying a woman deserves to be raped because of how she's dressed ie., not wearing the hijab, whereas I'd argue the blame lay with the rapist.

"Those darn Westerners and their insatiable lust for stuff, only them, no one else." Good thing your laptop is powered by high minded self importance, and your car by happy thoughts, this way you can remove yourself from being a part of all the ugliness. Its good that you can so easily excuse away the murderous

No, you're right, they peaked ummm five hundred years ago, and have been all downhill since. Blame us, blame the Mongols, blame whoever, at a certain point maybe some introspection on the part of the greater Islamic world would be warranted, and "let us kill all the Jews first, then introspection" is not a viable

Well frankly its smug and retarded, I think that's the best way to put it. I truly hope one day you can live under your pro-education revisionist history heroes in ISIS or Hamas, I think they'd love you.

And the inhabitants of Spain asked the Moors to come right in? I'm sure it was great living there as a Dhimmi, and they must have loved it, how else can you explain why they spent seven hundred years trying to kick the Moors out. I'm sure the Francs were pleased as punch to welcome that impending tolerance when forty

So FoxNews = pedophiles? Welcome to liberal moral equivalence if you're not a doctrinaire progressive you're the same as a child molester, totally rational. How come no one calls for MSNBC to be taken off the air? They can be accused of all the same things you say of FoxNews, but not a peep about them, because you

So the one differing voice should be stamped out because you don't like what they say, or it may convince people to think differently, got it.

You're dealing with people who have been taught to hate themselves, and the United States/Western Civilization, for four years of university and into graduate school, you'll never change their mind that the west deserves whatever murder is unleashed upon it for no other reason than it is more successful than those who

So you think its good that certain views, other than those endorsed by the government, aren't heard?

Twelve thousand years of violent, brutal, human warfare and history, luckily your "enlightened" self has figured it all out, thanks liberal arts college for offering a masters degree in millennial arrogance.

When they're the ones who want to fuck over their part of the world, dammit.

These are the same people that cheer Hamas over Israel, you're wasting your words on them.

Ha, lord knows there has only been ill will in the Middle East for centuries. Did Muslims create any ill will during their conquests or were those a-ok? I know they're a-ok, since Muslims, while technically Caucasian, are really tan and therefore right.

I like her, she's got a whole modern day Al Jolson thing goin on.