
You can’t believe that Activision Blizzard, as it is, is capable of redemption when these are the leaders they’ve chosen to hire.

Reminder that accountability is a common fear of the privileged and/or powerful. Even if they are aware of their actions or not, morality or ethics is no longer the judge of that.

Shitty people rise to the top because they have no qualms about stepping on everyone else beneath them. In other news, water is wet and fire burns.

Sure they can have an app. But the private app stores are under no obligation to host them. Especially when the app violates the clearly stated TOS and the company further violated those by trying to get around them. 

I do agree that antivaxxers should keep away from the vaccinated. The farther the better. 150 miles should do it.

The first two have valid arguments to them.

if someone is looking for an unvaccinated doctor”

There’sa difference between “I’m waiting to get the vaccine”, “I’m waiting to decide to get the vaccine”, and “I have decided to never take the vaccine”.

Can someone point me to the part of the Constitution that spells out your right to have your app in the App/Play Store?

Biden was never the man for this moment. But more COVID-45 always would have been worse.

It’s not lost on me/others that the same group of people who come up with every reason under the sun to not provide relief for the American people because it might make them lazy went on vacation when there was work to be done. Republicans have been a lost cause for decades but older white Democrats seem eager to

The other day I was thinking about how differently things could have been under real leadership. The country could have just shut down for a solid 2 months, everyone banded together WW2 style, and then the world comes out of lockdown together and get on with our lives. But no, let’s debate basic science and drunken

Yes but those margies on the beach aren’t going to drink themselves and garsh darn it they’ve been working so hard! 

This is happening under a Democratic administration with a Democratic Congress. Just another reminder that even if they’re politicians from the “right” political party, you often have to apply a lot of pressure to powerful people to get them to do the right and decent thing to help people.

While I can understand the photographer’s hesitancy, I want to see what the inside looks like.

Good. Ultimately, employers requiring vaccinations is going to be what makes a difference. All the excuses and rationalizations will evaporate for all but the most die hard antivaxxers when it means the difference between keeping their job or not.

You, madame, are completely insane.

Oh I don’t disagree.  Until I start making this every week and have to wash myself with a rag on a stick at least. 

At The Takeout, the answer is always “yes. yes you should.”

But then it wouldn’t be a pizza, it would be a calzone. By the same measure, you could chop up a pizza, toss it in a bowl with ricotta, and eat it with a large spoon. (brb must try this)