
That would be nice. Maybe by the next century. If any nation as we know it still exists by then.

Yeah, that’s the whole problem — it’s indie, as in regular citizens trying to keep tabs on bad officers. It’s not a federal registry that law enforcement agencies are REQUIRED to search before hiring a potential officer.

A google search shows that there sort of is, but it’s a hodge-podge of indie projects, and more than one database exists.

While there are a lot of ways in which an anecdote is (and should be) more easily dismissed than data, a single story (well told) can be much more powerful than an analysis, and can stick with even an unreceptive audience in ways that can change their beliefs more fundamentally.

The fact that there isn’t a national database for blacklisted fired/terminated former officers is one just one more notch on the “Why US Law Enforcement is fucked up” belt. I mean, FFS, when these people get their asses shown the door, that should be a *PERMANENT* removal from the profession. No law enforcement

In 2017 I was canvassing for the then candidate soon to be governor Murphy of NJ in a mixed townhome and condominium association. I was given my assignment by the local county Democratic Party so I assumed they did the proper research to see if it was allowed in that development. It turns out it was not and some

So based on the fact that soliciting is legal there, regardless the fact he wasn’t soliciting in the first place, when someone called to say he was soliciting the response should have been “That’s not illegal” and no one should have even been dispatched.

Whew, so many things about this! First, thank you for finding this video with its excellent explanations of the right to petition (and other legal intricacies).

Oh, Our God!!! These SO grossly incompetent badged jackasses that are supposedly employed to enforce REAL laws not made up ones at the sight of a Black person conducting business on a Community Service Level. Not to mention that there’s A PAIR of them to boot! They indeed were focused on arresting these Men from the

This video was fantastic, explaining exactly how the two sheriffs made horrendous errors of judgement and how their superiors are negligent in their training methods. I think Ms. Trotsky should be commended for keeping her cool and refusing to budge to their intimidation.

Now playing

This video does a great job breaking down what the cops are allowed to do, and where they went wrong, as well as evaluating how well all parties involved handled the situation. I highly recommend watching it as it’s very informative. This video is of the very in incident in the article.

I doubt kids are spending $400K on sealed boxes, but there definitely is a gambling aspect to buying any sealed pack.  I remember when I played Magic The Gathering back when Ice Age came out, and a lot of why kids played it was because word had spread how much certain alpha and beta cards were selling for.  

Kind of only emphasizing how trading cards are just gambling for children when you get to pay $400k for a CHANCE of receiving a card worth almost as much money.

Why are people still comparing this game with Minecraft. They’re both very different games that share a building mechanic.

Well, I guess they both do get boring after a while, especially when playing single player.
I’ve been playing both since they were released (technically, Minecraft since Dec 2009 alpha) and I’ve

I agree, I find it 100% more entertaining than Minecraft....

And I thought mining out my entire world and turning it into a mobius strip via teleporters was impressive. Just the act of building the ship at an angle and making it functional as a player base is pretty impressive.

Hey if the shitgibbon can do it, why not his followers? Russian commies are evil but Putin is ok??

I know I’m applying logic to an illogical situation but the insurgents WANT Russian influence now? (I'm pretty sure Russian intelligence would never do business with a person who advertised the crime they committed, if Killing Eve and the Bond movies are any indication.)

While I’m not saying that Beeler’s story is untrue, or that he should have gotten harsher treatment...”