
I got no guilt for slurring the creeper with his hand on an unconsenting woman’s breast. Purple is the traditional color for celebratory vestments, but this turd went with red (to celebrate himself) and the chain is as extra as the super sized cuffs on the shirt. I think his style choices and groping are gross.

Fuck this guy. Fuck him, fuck him, fuck him. He knew exactly what he was doing. I get hugged all the time and somehow women’s hands never end up on my breasts(or buttocks), even “accidentally”

I was once thanking a Pastor for conducting a funeral service at my funeral home and as I shook his hand, he pulled my arm and gave me a fucking gross, wet kiss on my cheek very near my lips. I couldn’t tell him off because we were standing next to the family of the deceased but holy fuck did I feel tricked. Men of ‘hi

At the end of the day, that decision is not the creators right to decide. It is a cultural decision and that is the ENTIRE POINT of copyright law as it was originally written in the Constitution.

There are tons of lost books, movies, and other forms of art that disappeared solely because it was illegal to make copies and the people responsible for them didn’t care and allowed them to be destroyed. It’s a travesty that we continue the trend, and have added video games to the garbage pile.

My “favorite” are the guys who complain about women breastfeeding in church. My man, if a woman feeding her child drives you to such distraction then you should do as the good lord says and gouge your own fucking eyes out (Matthew 5:29-30, for those interested). Too extreme? Then just mind your own damn business.

What kind of thermal paste are you using? How is it applied? What are your idle temps? You may need to replace the thermal paste. This doesn’t seem normal at all. I have a i5-4670k and it idles at 35C with a corsair all-in-one. That is even with it being overclocked and it having the voltage regulator on die. It only

Your issue likely isn’t your cooling set up - its either case airflow or its intel’s non-soldiered chips, or you just lost the lottery on overclockable CPUs.

But they didn’t even use the game to render the concept, they just stole a screenshot made from someone else’s game years ago. 

Yeah, but that would cost money, hence the Google search picture theft.

He is such a freaking, blatant LIAR. And his base just EATS IT UP. Even when you put the evidence right in front of their faces, such as the fact that Strzok and Page were removed from the investigation as soon as their texts came to light, and haven’t worked on it for over a year now. Or the evidence being presented

Drag this fat, motherfucker out of the white house by his heels right now. He is insane. Iran does not have nukes pointed at us. Russia does.

It shouldn’t be surprising to anyone any more that the Democratic party is deeply opposed to progressive policy. They make a fuss about gay rights and abortion to keep you opposed to “the other guy” while they act in lock step with the Republicans to expand executive power and siphon the country’s wealth to wall

I’m going to sound very ‘get off my lawn’ here, but I’m happy that I got to experience the golden age of console JRPGs (SNES-PS1) when they happened. I’m not saying there aren’t great JRPGs and other RPGs now, because there are plenty of them and they are fantastic in almost every sense, but I cry a bit about the

Can we, as gamers, agree on something for once?

Everyone star this man’s response - the difference between Roth IRA and 401k withdrawal rules is crucial. To reinforce the point:

And now we know that all of the “donations” he’s made through the Trump Organization weren’t even his own money but he still took the credit for it.

He continually hammers at this because a.) he can find little else to pick at with her and b.) Warren and progressives in general scare the shit out of him. If his base were to ever wake up from their racist fever dreams long enough to pay attention to who is actually fighting for their rights, their healthcare, their