
Hell for that price every button should use a hall effect sensor.

Not entirely allergy friendly. Though not as common as nut allergies, some people are allergic to citric acid.

I miss volcano burritos so much. The lava sauce was great. The I also miss their original grilled stuft burritos that had baja sauce on it.

Problem is that with DirectStorage / AMD Smart Access Memory style SSD asset streaming becoming a thing now, that drop in read/write speeds could become a big bottleneck as games start to incorporate it. How soon that will happen is a different story and I’m not sure if Proton let alone the setup in the Steam Deck

Would be funny if SE gets acquired by Sony in a year or so.

Mandating geothermal based heat pumps would arguably be better for new construction since the bulk of the added cost is the digging to put the piping in. If you’re already doing some digging during construction you can sort of double up on it and get the added efficiency that it has over air based heat pumps.

Wait at the start of the article it said 3070TIs then it mentions a normal 3070. Which is it?

cheesy tots I guess?

you actually get raises? Hell, my company couldn’t give two fucks about inflation. We only have a chance of a raise with yearly performance evals. and that’s even a mess because the execs. force managers so that performance evals have to follow a bell curve regardless of the actual performance of employees.

In my area, every dang place has about a 90% fuck up rate with my order. Whether it’s just normal stuff off the menu or say a burger with no onions, it’s constant screw-ups with either missing items or just getting the wrong item entirely. It’s gotta so bad that the only place that seems to get an order right most of

I would try Carmax then. They tend to be fairly generous.

Good idea, however I would recommend ditching the milk and cool whip for heavy whipping cream so you can beat / whip the mixture until it is as light and fluffy as you want. 

I can understand the blue cheese dipping sauce, but I haven’t found a good major chain that can make a good blue cheese dip / sauce for wings. So I normally just make some dip myself.

One of the long term solutions that has been floated around is for countries to pass laws that caps the percent of an Executive’s pay that can be non-cash. That way at least some of there income would be cash and subject to income taxes. The big question is what should that % be and should it only apply to large-ish

I hope they pay the ransom and the full data still gets leaked. So they can get double-fucked.

Or you could spend $0 and use either the nightlight setting built into Win. 10 to adjust the color temperature of your screen to lower blue light, or use a free program like f.lux to do the same. Also most modern monitors to have a settings to reduce blue light that is right on the border of UV.

They were $1.49 in my neck of the woods if you ordered online or through the app. For some reason they tacked on an extra dollar if you ordered it at the store in person / drive thru.

Doesn’t make it enforceable though. There is an implied duty of care when a car is left in a parking garage / parking lot. Especially one that you have to pay for. If you took them to court you would easily win the case. #NotaLawyer #NotLegalAdvice

Well I agree that sticking with it is stupid, good luck trying to convince federal, state, and city governments to spend millions if not billions in replacing every single road sign and marker with updated signs. Not to mention exit numbers on US highways are based on what mile it is. So that is a crapload of signs to

Yep. How in the actual fuck is he and anyone who was part of submitting it not in jail for this?