
Funny how your’e taking a think piece video with detailed information and actually a educated explanation as to why it isnt plagiarism and how koji Kondo is not a hack and turned it into that, youré comparing apples to oranges making a fool out of yourself in the process. Essentially you are the punchline of your

Yeah. this is more along the lines of what you expect from silly idiocracy we live in and probably no the best chip to place your faith in humanity in, this though this should have you covered. Small but dedicated cosplayer falls in tragic accident, could have lost his life, looses his leg he can’t cosplay as his hero

Matt i just want to say as both a mexican and a harrassed, insulted, belittled immigrant on more occasions that i can count , thank you for saying fuck you. The hardest part of all of this is the feeling of fighting alone, a simple fuck you at the right moment means a lot. So thank you

Oh deff i’ve seen them before but it would be awesome to have a in depth look on the community itself theres curatory efforts going on, contests, segmentation of photographers into urban, portrait its actually quite interesting the IG scene seems to be doing it best professionally wise but still awesome and i think

You should check out the instagram virtual rdr2 community i’ve seen some crazy stuff done in RDRO with street fights and shootdowns actually pretty cool

I wish kotaku would do a piece on game photography as a whole :( its such a cool medium with a lot of people including myself pushing the boundaries of what is game photography today :( so sad i mean i get in the end this story had the added value of the social interaction but i still think it deserves as a whole a

To me this game in general from the national dex to just about every single aspect of it, is the straw that broke the camel´s back. I accepted pokemon was in ways very behind modern game development and modern era game design because of the limitations of the hardware it was always on, you can’t fault them i used to

how does one get un grayed? lol :( i used to be a star commentator back in the fay :( now kinja hates me lol

Reading between the lines i get this, Most of our team believe in outdated racial stereotypes, and most of them are very much racist, we didnt think our little game would ever get this big and so we never worked on a plan to hide our racist agendas, after a interview two of our artists did we were called out on being

Thanks Kotaku, now i wont be able to power level my character and just avoid all the grindy activities in this barren waste of sidequests so i can finally finish the story 

Honest to god besides the camp who the fuck cares about adam west as batman? i mean as a meme and stuff sure... but i always cringe at his acting and portrayal of batman

Uhm the video makes it look completely the opposite of fun, looks drab uninspiring, slow and chaotic in a confusing way, if the video was meant to illustrate the opposite, either whoever did the recording sucked or wanted the game not to shine... this is confusing

This is where the Laugh reaction emote on facebook is the perfect encapsulation of what reaction elicits your answer, i mean come on dude you dont like the game, to each his own but come oooon the reaching in your anwers to defend what is essentially a subjective opinion shared by a very sad minority is only laughable

Honestly i’ll take Devolver’s mess yet funny at times conferences/ directs , (the nintendo direct transitions cracked me up) than the mess of bethesda’s or EA shitshows, Sony called it right quiting on E3, conferences have become such jokes of themselves... Bethesda should never again, EVER attempt a conference

Don’t be a coward and answer Badprenup.... youre going to run your silly mouth might as well face up to when you get royally schooled

Fuck off wit your high horsness you first world piece of waste, third world country latin american person here with black descent so excuse me for being more culturally sensitive about shit than you’ll probably ever be, Just because your family, Neighbors and community by virtue spread wide and long the practice of

you watch too much TV... but sure you have nailed perfectly what sociopathic behaviour is... lol

how to effectively tank your career in one easy step... sheez talk about hindsight

Not to be a dick but i don’t think representation in media has anything to do with your self destructive, suicidal, and hateful tendencies, deep psychological traumas are more on the family environment side, and all the representation in the world would not have helped to seethe or decrease your tendencies, just as

Probably wont make it out of the greys and no one will see them lol but here are some of my in game photos hehehe maybe someone will enjoy them lol