Well at least one of your complaints, the cosmetics, will b addressed with the 1.2.0 update
Well at least one of your complaints, the cosmetics, will b addressed with the 1.2.0 update
well the characters models still looking the same compared to bosses is a homage to those SNES and older JRPGS where they did the exact same thing. So again its a homage to tht era.
No its bc the cards are expensive, if they put the 1st game on the same card as the 2nd game then u will b paying an extra $10-15 more or less. If they put it on a 2nd card for the 1st game then u wuld b paying $15-$20 more. Cards are expensive thts y they make sure to keep costs down.
Think of it like this. 100 Ketchup players vs 30 Mayo players. 30 Mayo players go against 30 Ketchup players (30 vs 30) while the other 70 ketchup players fight amongst themselves. Now with 30 Ketchup and 30 Mayo going against each other makes it pretty fair. So both Ketchup and Mayo hav an equal chance of winning on…
Think of it like this. 100 Ketchup players vs 30 Mayo players. 30 Mayo players go against 30 Ketchup players (30 vs 30) while the other 70 ketchup players fight amongst themselves. Now with 30 Ketchup and 30 Mayo going against each other makes it pretty fair. So both Ketchup and Mayo hav an equal chance of winning on…
One thing tht Metroid Prime (the original to b more exact) had a overwhelming amount of polygons in the world and Samus’ character model. Even the small details like the cracks on the wall were actual polygons and not a texture. Thts y the game has held up sp well even by today. (more so than Halo. Even though it had…
Actually the Wii controller worked really well for me on MP3 and especially so in the remasters of the 1st 2 in the trilogy collection.
U cant play local co-op between 3DS and Switch. Only through internet.
too bad the definitive edition just released and still no sign of the final mission.
well Dogma means a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as undeniably true. So a Dragon’s system of law. You are forced to fight the Dragon’s rules. Because u r Arisen. U can choose to runaway and become Rich or fight it to become a God. but then its principles still govern u as a God. but the…