Firenze Storm

He lives in LA now I believe

I think if humanity ever colonises mars, we need to build a museum on top of each and every rover that went there first.

The world is a sadder place for one of these dying. TBH its a sadder place for one of these chucklefucks owning it. At least its out of its misery.

Honestly its probably some twat driving without the aids on again and binning it because he thinks he is gods gift to cars because ‘I own a mclaren’.

There were blowovers with open top cars too. Its not just closed top.

This car is dangerous. Any car that can still flip as hard as that even with the aerodynamic safety effects in place, such as the fender cutouts to lower underside air pressure, should really be looked at in terms of safety. This shouldnt happen this easy with an LMP car.

The issue isnt closed cockpit, the issue is the SMP car is a bad design and reacts badly to blowovers. There are four cutouts above the wheels purely to STOP this sort of shit happening. Obviously SMP have done something to the car that means it is not working to its full effect.

I fucking love this track in iRacing. Probably one of the most underated circuits

*International treasure. We in the UK here love him too XD

Same here. Exo Force was what I got into after I saw Gundam Wing come on Toonami in the UK. I ADORED mecha stuff and never really got to see it much. Now currently, I draw mechs for fun consistently, am trying to write a mecha themed universe, have far too many gunpla kits in my house (including a lovingly modelled

Lets be fair, 99% of people will be faster with the nannies on anyway. Its a Mclaren, the systems in it are freaking space age.

Fucking christ I knew this was a real thing. I remember something about a green rabbit fighting things in space when i was a kid. I never found out what the dear fuck it was. I thought I had just made it up or was going fucking mad!

Grandfather Nurgle loves us all. He blesses us with delightful sneezes.

I was about to say that, otherwise he would probably have ended up in hospital himself.

*coughs to clears throat*

On dirt, brakes makes the car push up the track, the throttle will help steer the car. Especially in a sprint car where the car is already so unbalanced by the way its built.

It was the first race of the season XD It wasnt the Championship yet. That being said with her pace and Hand in the car with her, I will not count her out!

That fight was worth my ticket. I would pay just to see that fight again.

Considering I would have paid all the money in the world to see a proper gundam movie done by hollywood... That fight with the Gundam and Mecha Godzilla was literally everything I loved.

I do need to ask as I love seeing this... How ok would it be to run the Jalopnik bump for simracing in my iRacing team? XD Would just be fun to do XD

The soundtrack to sunday mornings!