Firenze Storm

sLipPeRy sLoPe  lmao please

I’d argue that the CYOA trademark has already been genericized, so they should lose this suit. It’s the danger of having a descriptor as a brand name.

I agree with you. I am not so enamored with the idea of an ‘open-cockpit- car that I think we should keep making them just because we always have.

And not in the “oopsie, I’m a TERF” way Rowling did. His full-throated, unambiguous TERF embrace got him banned from Twitter.

He posted a whole huge blog post about it that was extremely specific about exactly how much of a TERF he is. So much so that I think it would be hard to read it without casting a very bizarre

Sounds like a legit complaint with a legit creator reaction.

Thanks for making it clear to us you are a racist hate monger.

She is spewing hate, that’s it, that is all she’s doing. Any redeeming qualities she might have are drowned out by the vile nature of her beliefs.

Well, she earned that award, that’s for sure. Rarely have I seen a bigger CUNT.

Look, we can’t have everything we want. If god forbid I lost my legs, I cannot insist on competing in a women’s marathon with my bionic legs...”

Just watched the first episode over here in Blighty. It is looking very promising. The good thing about the Beeb is that whilst they’re known for putting out general shite and fluffy entertainment, when they’re in the mood to do an adaptation and do it well, they generally rise to the occasion. HDM is no exception.

I’m seeing so many subtle hints to events in the full series. The knife, the “amber” lenses, the thinly-seperated worlds, and the all-prevalent dust. Usually I feel very wary about book-to-screen productions, but watching brought back so many exciting memories from reading the books. It already feels like they really

Two cars per driver hasn’t been a thing since the Gen 2 car was introduced.

He’s doing something? Just trying is something.

I own two cars and fully recognize the issue with that.

I do my best to offset that through my other actions.

For real though, VOTE. VOTING is the best way to help the environment. 

I mean the fact that hes consciously trying in some facets of his life is better than not doing anything at all. Just getting rid of jet probably helped alot. 

So the US is running away from protecting its ally who defeated IS for it, so fast that the US had to bomb US bases because they didn’t even have time to bring their ammunition with them, handing Russia and Iran control of Syria...

I will very disagree with you here. Of any sport you can attend in person, racing is probably the best one to choose. Compared to football or something, there’s way more behind-the-scenes access you can get, and the sound of the cars is way different in person. If you’re worried about seeing the whole thing, there’s

Imagine how much faster the airport experience would be if we just taxied all planes at supersonic speeds.

Red and white like the bloody phlegm you cough up as you succumb to your lung cancer, emphysema, etc.

Production EVs don’t whine like this. Race cars have straight-cut gears and almost no sound insulation, so they make a lot of noise, but the electric cars you can actually go to a dealer and buy are almost silent. Highways will be significantly quieter than they are now when the majority of cars are electric.

I’m fine with it. Grosjean is under 2 million and probably less with the new contract while Hulkenberg is close to 5 and, while he may have offered to come down a bit for Haas, he’d still want more than Romain. Devoting more money to the car at this point is the smart thing. Get the car right and the drivers will come.