Looks like AC Mirage is going to be getting an unexpected boost in its marketing budget.
Looks like AC Mirage is going to be getting an unexpected boost in its marketing budget.
Odyssey was the AC game that got me into the franchise, so I’m always more favorable biased towards the RPG versions of the series. However, I played pretty much all the originals in the first year of the Pandemic, and I gained an appreciation of the pre-RPG versions of the game (ended up beating 2, Brotherhood, 3,…
Less than that, really. It’s easier to think of your two lead characters as a single combined protagonist. You can swap between them freely at campfires and it only changes minor dialogue depending on who’s in the lead. They’re not quite “silent protagonist” but are definitely left as rough character sketches for the…
When they first announced it, I remember saying; “of all the anime they could realistically adapt, One Piece is the worst choice due to how wacky it is and it is destined for failure.”
I definitely ate my words because they made the best choice by actually leaning into the wackiness and embracing it and they knocked it…
As much as I liked One Piece Live Action, I would rather wait for the strike to settle positively for the actors.
Cool so it took 1 person a few days(?) to completely overhaul and fix the game’s terrible inventory system? It’s a good job that Bethesda aren’t a billion dollar development/publishing goliath with a track record of their games needing the same fixes from community mods of every game they release or this would be…
I’m seeing the word Overwhelming thrown around a lot in these reviews, and that’s a big red flag to me. Quantity over quality is another phrase I saw, but if anything, 100+ hours of gameplay doesn’t draw me in anymore like it did 10 years ago when Skyrim came out, it makes me run for the hills.
Felt like it was falling into the trap and taking itself too seriously with a source material where the main character has literal Looney Toon Powers.
I like this because it opens up the setting and adds more chaos.
I’m glad we are getting more force attunement through training/experiences rather than through gifts. we saw it a bit in Rogue One but so far that’s really the only other time we’ve seen it aside from maybe broom boy.
Right? I know plenty of people call Star Wars sci-fi just because that’s become a very blanket term, but usually once people they learn “sci-fantasy” they immediately associate that term with Star Wars. One of the things that makes the original Star Wars work so well is that you could theoretically do that story in…
I had a deconstructed deviled egg once. The yolk was smashed down and drizzled with a mustard aioli but it was separated on the plate from the egg white which had been freeze dried and then whipped into something more akin to soft serve than egg.
In many ways, they are..
The mutant situation is very much a matter of “while we may be allies, you are really not like me” and so while many of their allies help and do fight with them on occasion, those occasions are very self-serving or for the “greater good” (i.e.: bad guy is going to wipe out the universe.. oh and…
The problem with the X-Men and mutants as they relate to the rest of the MCU is that they really make the rest of the non-mutant heroes seem like callous assholes.
In the grand scheme of things when there were events such as half of humanity being wiped out, alien shapeshifters in the highest positions of world government, rogue robots, evil extragovernmental organizations trying to rule the planet, witches that can create dimensions, and gods, the idea that mutants are the…
I play FO76 still but NMS is too boring and grindy and repetitive for me.
“Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 76, No Man’s Sky”
HAHA you’re the second poster who mentions SAM, who I bypassed almost completely since robot companions are usually bland, boring and almost non-existant. Still, I doubt having one more decent companion would’ve changed my overall enjoyment.
It’s a game I have truly had no desire to ever return to. I couldn’t even finish the first DLC, let alone start the second. I thought it started off strong and the art direction is genuinely fantastic. But then it just… peters out and starts running out of new things to say. The people you come across are either…
I sank twenty hours into it but after a certain point the setting and your options just felt flat. Basically every joke had the same punchline and it just generally lacked the weirdness and character it needed.