
I did heard about it, but not much. I swear I though it was just a indie game or other side project with EA, not a big project. Where the hell did the marketing money go?

I’m fine with this. In fact, I would love to see more rpgs explore relationships that are not romantic. 

I can’t, for the live of me, understand the appeal of resource gathering and crafting. It always felt to me like a pointless time sinker, a boring chore to extend the duration of a game. That’s why survival games, or minecraft, never clicked with me. I can sort of understand the appeal if you play with friends, since

Here’s something that I think many gamers don’t have considered and also scares me: it’s easy for us who are at least a bit familiar with games and this technology to notice just how fake and souless this looks, but is it really that obvious for the average consumer or gamer? How many people were tricked into thinking

I don’t know if he honestly believes we’re all idiots or if he knows and he doesn’t care, don’t know which one makes me angrier. In any case, I really hope that I’m wrong about the game but this just feels like another mediocre live service like the avengers or gotham knights.

I enjoyed the game a lot, especially spending time with the characters, but I also understand your criticism. The story does feel a lot like fanservice. It’s really cringe how all the heroes are so open with you and also praising you as if the hunter was the best thing that ever happened to them, and it just doesn’t

Yeah, my interpretation for why Bode acted the way it did in the end was because when you finally arrive at the planet and confront him is the moment he has lost all hope.
After all, if Cal could find him, what could prevent others from doing the same? How long would he and his daughter be safe? Had all the pain he

Although the warhammer 40k lore runs deep, it’s not really that difficult to understand on a surface level. I reccomend reading this introduction since I always believe it captures the setting perfectly:

I think the same. I’m really sorry for the developers of the game but I hope this games crashes and burn and every other live service game in the most devastating way possible, because that’s the only way game publishers will learn. We have to send a message loud and clear that we’re sick and tired of greed ruining

I agree with the principle of what you said, not everyone should have their wish granted since the sad reality is that most wishes would be fundamentally selfish and not take into account if they hurt people. That said, who exactly is magnífico to decide which whishes get granted? By what metric does he judge which

The movie looks amazing and spectacular in terms of visuals, as it’s usual with Snyder, but there’s nothing there that I haven’t seen before in terms of setting or story. It’s basically Snyder’s fanfiction of star wars, seven samurai, and other popular properties mixed toguether. To be clear, there’s nothing wrong

I went and saw this series with no expectations whatsoever. Like some people have pointed out, I always believed that the over the top nature of One Piece would make it almost impossible to adapt to live action. Then I saw it, and you know what? It’s the best live action adaptation of an anime I’ve ever seen. They

And the sad thing is Bethesda and other companies will keep doing it because they know there is a legion of modders that will fix their mess for free, which is just plain wrong. I do appreciate the work that modders do, but it should not be their responsibility to fix the game. I know it won’t happen, but sometimes I

Scott pilgrim has always been a weird series for me. I loved the story and the setting, but I absolutely despised Scott and Ramona. I couldn’t understand why I kept reading the series when I hated the main characters so much, and that’s when it hit me: the reason I was so frustrated with them was because of how much

One thing that many authors don’t realize is how dangerous it is to say that you have to be born special to have the “magical ability”, because if you do then you’re opening the door to arguments in favor of discrimination based on genetics. It’s a fundamentally flawed perspective that justifies racism. When it comes

I just can’t, every single time I tried to see a live action shonen adaptation I almost died of pure cringe. I just can’t see how you can translate the quircks of the manga and the anime to live action and not look completely ridiculous, and especially with One Piece where the characters and the story are so over the

As much as I love the X-men, as the years went by I realize they hurt the message they are trying to convey. The issue is that in real life racism doesn’t target people with power, it always goes after those that can’t defend themselves precisely because they can’t fight back. People are cowardly and pragmatic that

Yeah, it’s always pretty jarring how the avengers, who are supposed to be these paragons of heroicism and virtue, rarely address how mutants are treated. I know it’s mostly done so they don’t overstep too much into each other’s comic lines, but I would like to see the avengers doing more.

Yep, no matter how hard I hope, sooner or later it is always going back to the status quo. I understand why they’re doing it, but I’m just tired of not seeing any meaningful evolution. Maybe it’s because I grew up with European and manga comics before jumping to American, but I got used to stories and characters

They reason why there’s such an irrational hatred towards mutants, it’s because they’re a genetic time bomb. In theory, mutants will, in time, replace humanity as more and more are born which will relegate regular humans to a minority before they disappear completely, or at least that’s how the argument of the racists