I don’t think he does game them out, because they’re too predictable but he certainly structures them in a way that is very reminiscent of videogame fights, or bad manga/anime.
I don’t think he does game them out, because they’re too predictable but he certainly structures them in a way that is very reminiscent of videogame fights, or bad manga/anime.
Personally I’ve always considered Sanderson more of the shonen manga of fantasy books, since stuff like DBZ and One Piece is very much about power progression. The whole connected universe of cosmere does make it very similar to the MCU of fantasy books.
Agreed. I love Sanderson’s worlds but they are not high level writing. What attracts me to Sanderson’s books is the world building and creative/unique magic systems that are all connected. And the fun and escapism, and sometime hilarious characters. Arguably the same could be said of Wheel of Time and Song of Ice and…
He reads to me like he games out his books. The magic stuff especially. And his fight scenes often read like a transcription of a video game fight. It’s very off putting to me, I can practically hear the dice rolling.
Calling Sanderson’s work the MCU of fantasy books is wildly overgenerous, yet does have some truth in it.
“The MCU of fantasy books” is such a perfect description! And I’m saying that as a general fan!
I’ve long felt the most notable thing about Sanderson is his fanbase’s rabidity.
I assume it will mostly be porn
Yeah, I dont believe it. Not one bit.
I was talking to friends recently about why we all enjoyed AC Odyssey so much more than Valhalla even though on a technical level they are just as competent as each other. And aside from a much more visually appealing setting, the thing I realised was how enthralled all the NPCs were with the world they occupied. Even…
On the surface it sounds good. But I’m really suspicious that it’s a tool for a role that teams loooove to skip hiring for. Watch as game designers start using this to delay hiring a writer for even longer/reduce how much writing from an actual writer they need to pay for.
Otherwise it doesn’t sound too bad. If it’s…
As if Ubisoft’s writing wasn’t wooden enough.
Get used to it. First it’s gonna be NPC barks, then reusable assets, then who knows.
One of the more interesting and applicable functions I could see for the ChatGPT-style bots in the very near future, would be as NPC integration in games. The idea of being able to deepen the dialogue trees through interaction rather than a series of preset choices is very appealing. Even just finding different ways…
More honest PR: “We’re looking into firing our writers but want to be sure they train the ML text generation script long enough for it to handily take their jobs”
“More likely, the real reason Capcom decided to be a coward and not age Jill alongside her male costars is that in pop culture there’s nothing scarier than women aging like normal human beings.”
She could get a boyfriend if her personality was less off-putting, and she knows it. Despite this, she refuses to change who she is. She’s not the bore. It’s everyone else who’s in the wrong.
To be fair, the only aspect of the game that seems to actually take place in the 1800s is the lore’s placement on the canon’s timeline.
How anyone working on or even remotely involved in this game couldn’t predict the reaction the public would have to seeing it in action, as depicted in that game play reveal is beyond me.
Probably too little, too late to make this game an interesting single-player experience with depth and story, like the Guardians of the Galaxy game. To take all of the looter-shooter elements out of the game would probably ruin the whole thing (even moreso).