
I didn’t hate the game, but it didn’t cause much of an impression on me either. Even with the DLCS, the whole game feels...incomplete. It’s hard for me to explain it. It’s constantly teasing me with the quality of storytelling and gameplay that obsidian has, but it never quite reaches that point. I don’t know if it

And it had the subtlety of a brick to the face with their message. Some exaggerated humor and ridiculous situations are ok, but after a while, the whole setting felt to me like a parody that every character took seriously for some reason.

I understand what you mean, I think that in their effort to make the game a bit more casual they wanted to make sure that, no matter what specialization you choose, it would almost always be a viable way to solve the situation. The problem with this approach is that it makes your choice of specialization almost

I’m with you, I haven’t played an obsidian game in which I have felt such a dislike for every companion, except for Parvatti and Sam of course. Max the Vicar gained a bit of redemption with his companion quest, but overall I found them annoying at best and downright unbearable at worst, for the first time in my gamer

Yeah, right, I’ll believe it when I see it...

That’s the first thing that came to my mind when I watched this trailer.

I feel exactly the same way. I love his books, but sometimes I get the impression that he structures some of his scenes the same way a game master plans an encounter. It’s not a bad source of inspiration, but it can feel really forced. Most of the time I find it amussing, but some times it can be distracting.

Yes, it is definitively thing, it has improved over the past years, but it’s still a problem. There are quite a few people in the “geek” and “nerd” communities that see proper grooming and personal hygiene as something that’s just for “normies”. I suspect this attitude is because they associate those activities to (in

I’m seriously conflicted about this.
On one hand, as an aspiring author, these AI writing tools have pretty much made me give up on my dream of writing a novel. Sure, current AIs are clumsy and easy to spot, but for how long? It’s only a matter of time before they write in such a way that it’s impossible to tell a

After what’s happened with art and writing, I’ve long accepted one simple fact: there’s no human behavior that can’t be represented in an algorithm and carried by an AI, which makes all of us replaceable. Things that seemed “uniquely” human like imagination, creativity, nothing but a load of bullshit, just

This is my biggest fear. I love One piece, but I just can’t picture it as a live action adaptation without some serious changes that may end up taking away the spirit of the source material. It’s as over the top, cartoony, and exaggerated as a manga can be, something that doesn’t translate well to live action.

I’m having a blast with this game, and I also agree with every single point that you made. I’ve never hated and loved a game so much. I really want it to succeed and become the awesome Warhammer 40k game it can be, but on the other hand, I just can’t forgive fatshark greed and deception, they lied about the features

I hated the brothers SO took me several times to beat them. Nipulon on the other hand only took me one try. It was by far the most creative boss fight compared with all the others. 

I got the game with gamepass, and it is...ok. I love battlefield and for some reason I can’t quite point out this one is not filling me with the same feeling of epic battles that I felt with other battlefields. It’s fine for the occasional game, but not something I would sink too much time in. Also, if the game in its

Curious and very concerning. I’m not Gen Z, but I grew up with videogames and adopted social media early on (only to mostly abandon it afterwards). I had a very different impression when I was young, I believed that we were all background NPCs desperately wanting to be the protagonist. Now as an adult I understand

I love the anime, so much in fact that it made me seriously consider buying the game. I haven’t played it due to all the negative reviews and videos I saw with the bugs and missing features. That said, I do believe the game has potential, but after watching some more videos, it still feels shallow in many areas. I’m

Same, it’s curious how I remember the first avatar movie as being ok and how at the same time it was so unremarkable that it basically disappears from my mind completely unless someone reminds me.

I still believe that there’s no excuse for how the game was released, that said I’m happy that the game is still being updated and that there are DLCs planned. I honestly thought that the company would abandon it and that the modding community would have to save it. In any case, I’m still going to wait for the

I am absolutely convinced that there’s no human behavior that can’t be reproduced by an AI, it’s just a matter of time. That said, from all the tasks that will eventually be automated, I always thought that art would be the last. I suppose that in the end, creativity is just another set of patterns that can be

How the hell do they maintain a straight face? I can’t imagine how may tries it took before they got it right XD