
I love it because it shows exactly what I imagine what would have happened if there were people with superpowers during the second world war. A much messier and lethal war.

Me too. Why? Why wasn’t this a cartoon? I thought it would be a cartoon. Instead, we have this lame game. :(

I’m happy to see that I’m not the only one who thinks they have transformed from hippies to hipsters.

This right here a thousand times! I hate the way the marvel universe is just one giant rollercoaster where it doesn’t matter how exciting the ride is, everyone ends where they started again and again. However I do understand why they do it, upsetting the status quo too stronglycould have some series negative

This a thousands times! I would love to see Peter Parker as kind old teacher helping morales become a hero. :)

This is so 80’s that it hurts.

Ok I have to ask do they make any stops? or do they pee and shower in a magical bathroom that appears with the push of a button in the car? and what about the food? do they have a magic fridge or do they hunt? do they sleep in the seats or does the car turn into a giant bed?

Can someone explain me what happened to the space dream? How come we are in a situation that nobody gives a shit about space anymore? because from my point of view it's the lack of interest more than anything what is really killing Nasa.

I like this game because it perfectly reflects how life works. Shit happens and there's no reason for it to happen, no deeper hidden meaning in events, it just does happen and that's it. Just because you are good or evil doesn't mean anything to the universe, good things happen to bad people and bad things to good

I loved the first game and thought that i was a perfect sequel for the first movie and so much more better in terms of story, i wonder how they did this time.

Wow it caught me completely by surprise. I love it :)

I love hellboy but I´m one of those people who cant stand his artwork, i just find it too dirty and dull.

I wonder if there is any science fiction book that postulates about the possible consequences of immortality or an extremely long life to the health of the human mind.

What the hell is happening? First thief and now this? Are there no good games comming?

wow...i has caught me completely by surprise, the trailers made it look so fun, i´m so disappointed :(

Honestly i was very dissapointed with this game when i first tried it, i found it dull and boring with a linear story and forgettable characters. However when i got the chance to play the adventures people created i realized i wasn't dissapointed with the game but with the campaign deadman´s switch. The game itself

Wich one do you think is the best starting continent for noobies like myself?