
I just want to say that I’m very heartened to see the comments on this article.

I’ve got a sinking feeling that if this was about a female character, Megan’s take would be completely different.

I am completely shocked that Jezebel would take this tone just because the initial complaint comes from a conservative organization. This storyline is gross and downright dangerous to be teaching small children. As someone who HAS a small child, they absolutely DO emulate the actions of anthropomorphized animals in

A Big Fuck Off To The Writer Of Jezebel

I agree, I really appreciate them fixing this. I think the tone of this article is shitty and not in line with what I would expect from this site. I may usually roll my eyes at most of those anti-porn groups and their outrage over sex, but they hit the nail on the head with this one.

This article is a really bad-no, dangerous-take written by someone who opted not to actually put any effort into learning how grooming works. Shame on Jezebel.

This joke is bullshit and they are right to take it out. Some kids will absolutely interpret what is happening to the dog as what happens to them. Kids who have suffered inappropriate touching will listen to adults chuckle at that joke, and that will forever shape their perception of how the world feels about what is

Seemingly? This hot take is an extremely bad take. Don’t dismiss facts just because you don’t care for the politics of the source.

“LOL, whatevs, kids amirite? Dick joke, rape joke, no big deal, lol.” Yeah, no.

Yeah, my first thought when I heard about the scene wasn’t so much that it might enable a predator’s tactic but rather that it might be triggering for a survivor to watch. In either case I can’t believe nobody working on the film could look up from their cocaine long enough to realize that it’s just a shitty scene all

I do not believe a child is misguided enough to interpret what is happening to a dog that talks as something that could possibly be happening to them.

I’m normally all for the sarcasm here but this article upsets me and I didn’t even have these experiences. I’m sorry that you had to experience it and that you had to come to a site that is generally pretty good and see this steaming pile of a hot take.

“I do not believe a child is misguided enough to interpret what is happening to a dog that talks as something that could possibly be happening to them”

Exactly. The argument that this is a dog and this happens at dog shows is a moot point when you make the dog talk. This movie isn’t supposed to be accurate, it’s supposed to be a story people (kids in this case) are supposed to connect with.

Yup exactly. If kids didn’t relate to animals/animated objects then these movies wouldn’t be so successful. Hell, look at a movie like Zootopia. They’re animals but basically might as well not be with the very mature human and societal themes being explored. Glad to see most people pointing out the tone of this

“He’s in charge so it’s ok” is like the number one most dangerous messages kids encounter these days. Also, a kid isn’t going to know why the judge is doing it to assign it any context. I don’t even know why they do it and I’m fucking 30!

The way these scenes were described were almost exactly what I went through as a kid by my abuser. “this is normal, just relax. This is how it’s done, you’re fine, think of something else.”

I was expecting to see an article here about this, but this is not the tone I imagined.
How do you not see the problem with teaching kids that “it’s ok if someone wants to touch your genitals, just go to your happy place”?

I’m really surprised that you took such a neutral stance in this report. As a survivor of incestual sexual abuse, I can say there was a TON of ambiguity in my child brain about what was right and what wasn’t, especially as I suffered at the hands of a trusted family member. This is absolutely grooming and is SO SO

As much as we might not want to say that a conservative group is doing something good, taking out scenes in a childrens movie that says to just allow unwanted touching is certainly not a hill to die on. It’s not like it actually adds anything to the movie.