
To be fair, most of the franchises that have shown up have basically already turned themselves into jokes long before showing up in MK.

Bring it all the way full circle to the roots of MK1's development and bring in JCVD from Bloodsport!

Add Weird Al’s Rambo from UHF and I’ll buy my first MK game in 20 years. 

still not Ash from Evil Dead? C’mon, for Halloween!

The broken survey problem is not the service writer’s fault. There is nothing diagnostic about the survey process. Which is why I’m not a dick about it.

Kia has a question in their survey along the lines of “Did the salesperson ask lots of questions to help you pick out the right vehicle?”. If the customer picks “I already knew what I wanted so this question does not apply” that is regarded as a fail.  You are supposed to take 15 minutes going over needs and wants,

That’s the problem. The whole dealer survey model is broken. Anything less than “10s and ‘strongly agrees’” is considered failure. It’s ridiculous.

My limited experience with dealer surveys is that, either in person or by email, I am told that nothing but the top rating is considered satisfactory. IMHO, this renders the survey meaningless, so I just ignore them.

Or that too.

The broadband company should have been first to offer.

Would have been nice if the town chipped in and bought them a new TV.

I wonder if they would be willing to sell me the tv. It would be nice for when I really don’t want to be in a video meeting. 

No to skin cancer! Yes to colon cancer!

Wales -

Lol, I mean yes, they have thought about these things a lot, but the thing everyone building ecommerce platforms is thinking about is minimizing friction to make sure once you’ve hit the product page, they’re getting your money. They can pay lip service to how much they hate bots (which is partly genuine, insomuch as

One thing that kills me is places that allow one of a particular item per order, but don’t limit the number of orders you can place.

- Enable two factor for orders, so you can’t complete it without a confirmation text code.

“That Fucked up Video for Closer: A Comedy Musical”.

Gotta be honest, getting real sick and tired of bots and scalpers ruining any kind of product launch. I feel like we should have come up with a way to stop these ass holes by now. I know FOMO is a big factor and we should all be patient but still, this is bullshit. I’m not even in the market for a 3080 but I was

You’re not wrong.