
And their reasoning is NOT because they think people will not be contagious after that, but because they say people don’t want to quarantine for 14 days so they have chosen a time period they are more likely to listen to. Go watch them say this, it’s insane.

I immediately want to investigate their research for fraudulent claims. That was such an elaborate non-answer that it raised my suspicion flags real high.  

What was even the point of the last person lol

His attempts at a coup are getting desperate and blatant.

“So let’s talk deal, guys. I’ve got a bunch of nice, cushy, no-show positions in the administration that I can get you into. How does Head of Cybersecurity sound?”

Today Trump flew the Republican Michigan legislature leaders to DC to try and convince them to overturn the popular vote. After they flat out told him state law has no provisions for them to over ride the popular vote and choose electors.

Maybe a little girl threw water on him because he tried to steal her shoes.

The Watkins tied to child porn. I’d chuckle if it wasn’t so fucking tragic and typical of assholes like these who practice the vice they rail against like the closeted anti gay pols we are all familiar with by now.

It would be just perfect if Quanon goes down for child porn.

Where have I seen this before? ...Oh yah.  Hey Rudy, Mr. Shadow is on the line for you...

Roodi Ghouliani will not be made fun of.

That’s just from having his head up Trump’s ass.

I wonder if it’s legal to stream this or to keep archives of those streams? If yes, will it at some point stop being legal?

My guess is that Q is more than one person.

Didn’t the Q posts continue after this guy got outed, only to stop in early November when the Watkins family drama went supernova / Election Day happened and Trump got his comeuppance?

While I’m sure there will be surveillance by watchdogs and, to a lesser degree, law enforcement, Parler is just going to become /pol/ with a better UX. People who would otherwise rarely or never venture over to 4chan or 8kun are going to get the same amplifying echo chamber effect that pushes the discourse farther and

Seems like the only logical solution would be to lock both Jim and Ron in a pizza parlor basement and fill it with water until the truth comes out.

Every few years, Pat Robertson predicts that the end of the world will happen on a specific date or during a specific year. Of course, none of his predictions have come through. But people still keep sending him money and asking for his advice & direction. Loyal dummies don’t need evidence or proof to stay loyal. They

Literally none of the Q shit ever came true, right? I know only idiots believe this shit, but still, holy shit this is some advanced idiocy.