

Including other streamers who apparently need to “react” to an apology video. Like christ, seriously? You’re video is you reacting to someones apology? I mean an announcement of some kind like a song, game, or big world event? Sure. 

Some people need to spend less time on the internet. 

They’ll drop a nuclear bomb on their own area just to “own the libs”..morons.

It was a God damn joke. 

As has been reported in Gizmodo, the Post Office could run profitably, if it it didn’t have Congressional Mandates on things like paying its retirement benefits. Which were set up under Republicans in an attempt to undermine the Post Office. 

As the year goes on, I more and more think that we will need to change leadership via more revolutionary means. 

This. I’ve long believed that arguing with these people is pointless. The only effective response is loud, derisive, in-your-face laughter. The kind that says “Wow! I can’t believe you said that. What a  moron.”

Meanwhile, the military gets another 750 billion and never has to “break-even”.

Those who make peaceful protests impossible are the cause of violent protests. And those who take up arms against protests leave open revolt as the only alternative.

These conservative cucks and f*cks WANT the end of the world, by any means necessary, so they can return to the 50's when it was totally okay for them to be as publicly racist, sexist, homohobic, xenophobic, etc. as they want. Anything politically correct to them is anathema, because a constraint on their ability to

It is the one government service that potentially reaches every single American every single day; that should no be required to make a profit and even breaking even isn’t required.

...Jesus Christ dude

I blame religion. White Christians voted for these fools in droves to save them from the Muslims. These “conservative saviors” of theirs have killed 50x the number of Americans that died on 911 with their “have faith and deny it exists” plan to control coronavirus.

I suggest doing the one thing that has actually worked so far: lighting Republican-affiliated shit on fire. It actually got BLM attention when Minneapolis started going up in flames. We should do this more often.

I’m still wondering how they’ve managed to lose so much money without even paying their employees!

CEO Dara Khosrowshahi now says that if California forces the company to reclassify its contractors as full-time employees, Uber will temporarily shut down in its home state.

Can’t we just eat the rich already? Don’t get me wrong, their tears are a delicious, salty appetizer. But we’re ready for the full meal!

Every Saturday between late August and November, people in red states are going to be reminded that the politicians’ failure to get Covid under control with sound federal policy is why they don’t have FOOTBAW from colleges (even though they themselves never got past the fourth grade) and it’s gonna be campaign-ad

i really hope this doesn’t go through as it will negatively affect many people.