
No, she just made him look bad by doing a competent job for her citizens. I mean, who does that sort of thing?

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the PM had the audacity to say something that made him look bad, and because she is a woman, he had to do something stupid to try and return the favor.

What do you expect from the person who, during his campaign in 2015-16, claimed that the Presidency was, essentially, a part-time job that he could handle while simultaneously running his real estate “empire” then turned around days later and said that he’d be on duty 24/7 as president, would work weekends and never

There is little doubt that this was either issued by Trump or by someone trying to gain his favor.  Our dear leader loves to project his failings onto others.  Just like how he spent years making fun of Obama for playing golf, but now plays more golf than the last 4 presidents combined.  And when he isn’t playing

blue birds are cute, blue jays are miniature crows with a different colored tux.

They’re also, like, shockingly large when you see them up close in person. They’re not condors by any means but however large I thought a blue jay should be, they turned out to be much bigger than that.

Blue jays are assholes. We took down our feeder last month because there were 5-6 blue jays who didn’t know how to share and would chase away the other birds.

And her armor is actually practical! No boob plate!

Electronics and machinery requires a great deal of many precision disciplines.

For example, a smartphone requires a number of rare earth minerals, from battery to chips. Then you need to know how to work those materials, which usually require also advanced machinery. Microchips can’t be done by hand. Even if you manage

Loss of an existing tech base - imagine a medium-sized city from any first world nation got thrown back into medieval times. Assuming they had a power plant with them, how long would it be before whatever supply of fuel they had for it was exhausted? Before maintenance used up the space components they had on hand to

I am assuming that The Witcher did very well for Netflix for them to be going all out on it this way.

Why didn’t Nintendo show this in the U.S. Direct?

This Mini Direct apparently had content directly provided by the publishers, so it might’ve just been that Sakuna’s publisher couldn’t or didn’t bother to make an English-dubbed translation for that trailer. Nothing too surprising in the Covid era.

The Japanese Direct Mini was waaay better, but you have to care about genres that NOA doesn’t believe we care about. it was also a more modest 12 min, and featured more games, no WWE in sight!

There are entire articles on this (including one from 2015 on huffpo) but the answer is lost to time.

I find it pretty damn concerning that one crap router can cause this much trouble. 

It’s not like he pre-checked it for pee-pees before going in there. He got lucky nothing was shown but he still went in there without any consent and with kids in the rooms. He broke the law before he was in the room.

That. Is. Not. Relevant.

What was interesting about this was just how quickly the story faded into the background once all the abuse allegations in the FGC started flying. When some drama with actual substance started coming to light, the metadrama of a streamer getting banned didn’t seem all that important. Rightfully so, though I’m sure

Maybe (now hear me out) they just had enough of his bullshit?