
this will haunt me for the rest of my life. every time i hear the word ice or canada, i will think of kane. every time i spread maple syrup on my pancakes, my mind will wander to that frightful night in upstate NY. did he do it? why did he hire a lawyer? what is the fifth amendment? every time...or until the next greg

TLDR... but you seem to absolve yourself from being a member of said society now. Sad fact is, you don’t want to change the way you think. You want him to be guilty, and now that he’s actually innocent, you’ll scramble for anything to keep your fucked up line of thinking intact.

Kane’s rep is already damaged. I’d have no issue with him if he filed suit. And TBH, he should. His image won’t repair from that, but it doesn’t mean he should let it slide either.

That’s a you problem, not a Patrick Kane problem.

Bullshit. That’s always the bullshit excuse everyone uses “Blah blah blah, public perception.” Fuck that. If you assume he is guilty ahead of time, you have an agenda. There is no other excuse. Two drunk people go home together. There is no DNA evidence, and nothing but he said/she said to go on, and you automatically

Have we reached the point where a rape accusation against a public figure must be believed, and if it turns out that criminal charges aren’t pursued it must be because of some conspiracy or prejudice?

The Prosecutor was livid, and basically said that if he could find a way to charge he, he would, but that he couldn’t find any actual law she broke.

Proven innocent? You don’t know how the justice system works, do you? Accusing someone, and then needing a hoax to create the evidence you’d need for said accusation, is not on Patrick Kane.

He’s not wrong. Everyone started crucifying him before there were even charges put forward. That’s not a men’s rights thing, that’s a logic fail.

because he’s a victim now?

annnnd there it is... I was actually going to comment that some whack job would come with this. But well done, you actually did it.

Bitch wanted some CASH

I’d like to take this time to thank the media, for making Kane out to be a rapist; Jezebel users for supplying us with endless feminist comments calling the support of Kane disgusting; Samer for handling this in his usual gossip column way, and of course the fans, for attacking Kane when charges hadn’t even been