Fire Joe Buck

I honestly thought it was terrible.

Meh. As a 50 year old straight white male who primarily listens to rock, I’d rather listen to Adele than Beyonce.

Are we talking about the same Villanova team that won the championship last year?

Because they beat a Final Four team by 2?

Unfortuntely Andy Reid wasted all of them

Now playing

If this wasn’t holding then holding doesn’t exist. He grabbed him around the neck and forced him to the ground just a couple of feet from a sure sack...

God...I haven’t been this concerned since Hootie left the Blowfish.

Yes, Mkhitaryan was offside. I don’t care, though, because..... 

So are internet comments questioning the physical status of professional athletes.

Asshole didn’t replace his divot.

Well at least now he has a handicap

Obviously someone got an 11 killstreak.

What else do they have to talk about, the Jets and Fighting Irish are so abysmal that they defy even half-hearted anguish, and 49 minutes of every Mike & Mike hour is devoted to reading ads anyway.

It actually originally said cocaine.