Who is Alex Trebek?
Who is Alex Trebek?
...that’s a strangely specific thing to always have said.
I’m with you. Movie critics are never too keen on popular comedies... it’s like a rite of passage: if you want to make it as a serious critic, you’ve got to stop finding things funny and get a more high-brow outlook on life. Those silly comedies are for peasants. Now you find the New Yorker hilarious.
Katy Perry does. Didn't you read the article?
Rooker is a lobstrosity if I've ever seen one.
And the very next part, too:
Since they don’t play the same position and wouldn’t guard each other unless it’s in a pick and roll/switch situation, the real estate market would be overstated by someone who didn’t understand basketball in the least.
Are you saying it’s not ok to have public discourse and challenge people’s opinions and assertions to their face on national television? I’m a bit confused by your stance here.
A sport so insanely boring that the way people let go of the bat is analysed. This is nothing.
Sports Deadspin covers well, ranked
I was enjoying it immensely 'til I saw that Lance stepped on his foot. Killed it a little for me.
No wonder he came in third.
You are there to answer some damn questions.
Is this a gritty reboot of the Harland Williams Disney movie?
I also liked it!
Pity. I enjoyed The Newsroom.