
Hey douche, I’m not talking about this thread... this thread is all about calling you out on your trolling. Why would people care about that? Maybe go to the one discussion thread where people are talking about real shit (which I know isn’t your territory).

Good call... my opinions on the matter having more stars than the other side would definitely be considered “no one”. That’s strong trolling.

All of them :)

Sure I have. Plenty. Just not in this specific troll thread. Plenty above... and judging on stars on those - a lot more people agree with me than you champ. Either/or. Keep up those internet commenting classes. You’re off to a fantastic start.

Sure, in THIS thread. Maybe be specific when you’re trying your internet tough guy act next time?

I really do hate to disappoint you, but you weren’t the first person to disagree with me. Sorry man. The troll club is where you were exclusive, but that’s it. I guess be faster to your personal dick-swinging contest next time?

Actually you’re the only person I said that too... mostly because you are. Not just today, but pretty much on every story you comment on :) I give you major kudos for turning your life lemons into internet lemonade.

Yeah. I’m sorry you find that attitude to be tiresome.

Cool guy internet speak for “I can’t handle if someone has a different opinion than me.”

I love Return of the Jedi

Not really

Yes. to show that only a complete fucking idiot would put drunk driving and having a seizure while driving in the same category. Agreed I was successful. Also agreed that you are that complete fucking idiot.

I’ve already crafted my argument. Read above. If you feel the need for internet dick-swinging contests all day, I wish you the best of luck in life.

Nah, you’re wrong.

correct and correct. Thanks for proving me right today. Enjoy breakfast!

You’re right. I don’t grasp the English language... thank you Internet Commenter Insults 101 Class Graduate for that amazing shot.

Thanks troll

Actually been here a couple years. I just switch up burner accounts. Good try, though. Don’t think I’m not familiar with your usual idiocy ;)

Nobody drives drunk with the intent to kill people

ohhhh, so NOW how a law is worded is all we need? Cool, cause gay marriage is still illegal in many states. Don’t be a fucking idiot. Too late.