if you intentionally put others in harm’s way... and others get harmed? Yep. Sure is champ.
Yes, random internet kinja commenter should have the ability to make up bullshit and toss it out uncontested!
I’m not defending drunk driving in capacity, but
TLDR. Your troll attempts won’t work on me.
oh I didn’t have trouble. I didn’t want to. Thanks for your effort today champ.
Drunk drivers don’t have the intent of injuring people.
How you cannot is beyond me
everything that happens in the world is possibly intentional. Holy shit is right dummy.
TLDR. You’re welcome
Your original post literally put drunk driving and seizure behind the wheel in the same category. You really think that would be better to the family(ies) if it was a drunk driver?
so many possibilities right now. Sad and scary.
Everything that happens in the world is “possibly intentional”, so to give a “holy shit” right after leads me to believe otherwise. I know you excel at being a troll on here, but don’t be that dude on a tragedy post.
man dude... Sorry bout your life
it’s a lot closer to that than it is a seizure.
then you would be wrong... I think we all know enough about drunk driving these days that we know that if you willfully get behind the wheel while drunk, you’re a human weapon. So yeah... trying.
Nah. For real, though... not cool
thankfully you wouldn’t dare politicize it though
even with that info, it could be a whole slew of things. Person could’ve had a heart attack or a stroke. Let’s not ignore the word “possibly” and maybe wait until real facts come out.
I would say drunk driving would categorize as trying to harm/kill others