
I, Otter; mann; do submit to you, Ryan C; that your! argument has validity} and hereby# declare, you; Ryan: C, to be^ an incompetent idiot;:’.?

Seems to me the gov't response should be along the lines of "Oh, so you're not a US citizen? Here's door, don't let it hit you on the way out, hope you enjoy living in North Korea."

May it please the court: up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b, a, select, start.

A good way to put yourself in the shoes of the average Sovereign Citizen is to imagine that you live in a world where the government is actually made out of wizards, and if you know the right magic spells you can make it go away.

Well; call me; crazy; but, I, internet commenter, and, man, did not; know that; legal documents; required such; copious; punctuation

Hypothetically speaking, lets just assume that there is a person who is actually not biased. Let’s further assume that this person actually did like Obama’s speech but didn’t like Clinton’s. Let’s further assume that they thought about the reasons why and concluded that it wasn’t the language (or body language) but

I mean, as far as orators go she is worse than a lot of them. How do you point out she isn’t inspiring/particularly good at speaking without sounding sexist? Do you compare her to other women to illustrate that no, this isn’t a woman problem, but a Hillary problem? Michelle Obama way better at sounding

If you were to ask me in 2008 what HRC’s 2016 campaign would be like, I would use the word flawless. Meticulous propaganda so well crafted that cynical progressives like myself wouldn’t even question compromising over her. The kind of psy ops that would have made her ‘inevitability’ seem more inevitable. When I look

But “perfectly fine” shouldn’t be how we judge someone who’s been planning this campaign for the last decade. I don’t know why we can’t address the fact that she isn’t a great public speaker. Michelle Obama is able to sound strong, sincere, and energetic in a way that I did not get from HIllary. When Nina Turner

Plenty of white folks speak Spanish better than I do. George Takei recently posted a video where he spoke near-flawless Spanish, for ten minutes. This lady isn’t discriminated against. She’s just lazy.

According to her lawyers, Rosner felt that another instructor could assume responsibilities over the Spanish-teaching portion of the class, while she would focus on reading and writing.

This is absolute gold ; ‘but I wish him well in the competition,”. Drops mic and walks away with Olivia Munn.

Unfortunately, a private matter has become more public than I can control and I would be extremely grateful if my fiancé and myself could discuss our personal matters on our own.


I’m originally from NJ, went to college in Houston, and now I live in New York, and even though Houston was hotter and more humid than NYC is, I feel like summer is even more of a pain in the ass in NYC, because AC isn’t a guarantee in every building. I mean yeah, Houston is brutal when you have to go outside, but you

“I don’t wanna see you texting your boyfriends or your girlfriends,” she said. “I don’t wanna see you catching any Pokémons up in this bitch.”

This has applied to Lindsay’s life for the past 15 years or so

What did you expect from the most boring Democratic presidential nominee since the Eisenhower era?

How has Lindsey not gotten her shit together yet? How much therapy, rehab and life coaching has she had?

Corbin Bleu tied the knot with Sasha Clements