
So if your pregnant in public it’s a performance?

I sort of think that they’re being so obnoxious about it that it must be real.

I was getting annoyed about this over the weekend. To me it dehumanizes Taylor to accuse every relationship she has of being fake. If you want to say the Hiddleston relationship is fake then you can’t also say Harry and Calvin and Taylor werewolf and whichever Jonas and Jake G were all fake too. Some of them have to

Fucking terrible time in Memphis right now :(

I want to put a smiley face sign in my window that indicates me as a emergency, respite child care mom. You? Go take a shower by yourself. Walk through a quiet library. Me? I’ll feed your kid muffins and have them run in the back yard until they are too tired to sass.

Fun fact: my parents’ dog hated Nancy Grace. When her show was on (or a promo for her show), this scrappy little terrier/lab mutt would bare her teeth and grow at the TV until we changed the channel.

If it got your infant into such a state that she would need to go to the ER, I would expect it to make news.

You know, there’s all kinds of situations where a child is taken away from their parents for reasons that are questionable or seemingly unnecessary.

This is not one of those times. Seriously, get that baby out of there. These people need help.

Calvin Harris was caught off guard by the paparazzi because he’s a nobody and was confused why anyone would want his photograph.

White people outside of Ireland really need to stop trying to make ‘Aidan’ happen.

The announcement was Big news.

Charlotte and Aidan? Idk about you guys but Chelsea Clinton being a huge Sex and the City fan is really funny to me.

Yeah I agree. I get that he was most likely abusive. I also get that she had no reason to have faith in the police believing her and protecting her if she had reported his plan. I still think if it was me, I’d rather die than know my inaction allowed him to attack and murder innocent people.

Would I ever wear adult diapers? That depends.

My baby was born at 40 weeks on the dot almost a year ago, and she only JUST passed 14.4 lbs at her last doctor’s visit.

I ate all these people

Two fat-shamers fat-shaming each other? Ha! I love it. They can’t throw any other insults because they’re essentially the same awful person, minus dietary preferences. Super entertaining. Thanks for delivering, internet.

Who are the dipshits that are so into anything that they actually follow people on YouTube and make those people rich?