
I think the lesson here is this: no good can come from dating Tyga.

First of all: WHY does that baby have a chain across the front of her?

Goddamnit, mommy feels. Can’t believe his parents drove that far away from him to “teach him a lesson”, but at least they felt reeeeal bad about it for a while.

19? He must have a lot of city miles on him.

i agree! i think it should be legal and doctors should be able to recommend it to patients, but i also think that people should stop pretending like it’s completely harmless just because you cant OD on it. there are serious addiction risks (just like with any mind altering substance)

Let’s see how anti-gun you are when someone is breaking into your house to rob you and possible hurt your wife and children. Oh and they have a gun because a ban on guns does nothing to keep bad people from having them. You want to fight them hand to hand with a baseball bat? People need to be held accountable for

Stay safe students! May the spirit of MacGyver descend upon you and help keep you safe.

Really don’t need your political opinion on guns bud. Guns are never going to be banned. Gun education and awareness is a better idea.

I would be willing to give so much more in my tax dollars to launch her into space as part of an immersion learning course.

I saw a guy help his girlfriend in the bathroom because she had a broken arm. Nobody complained.

Raise your hand if you’ve taken your 5-year old son into the ladies room with you and no one has batted an eye?

Pfft. All that time on the D and I doubt he’ll ever make it over to the O.

vegans are tolerable.

As I use my dishwasher for things I eat with, I’m going to not put things like brooms, garbage cans and potty seats in my dishwasher, thank you very much.

No hating here. I don’t want these guys hated on for their kink, it’s not hurting anybody, but honestly most of them come across as “I’ve found a way for my crippling social anxiety/thought disorders to rule my life in a way that channels away all responsibility for getting help relating to human society.”

That line broke my heart. Both of them are settling: the dog guy for not feeling like a “stray,” Colin for apparently putting up with someone who doesn’t love him just to have a relationship.

“Then I had this moment of panic because a puppy without a collar is a stray; they don’t have anyone to look after them. [...] It’s a sad thing to say, but there’s not love from the heart in me for Colin–but what I have got is someone who is there for me and I’m happy with that.”

This doesn’t sound super healthy? If

Yeah, that was “holy shit fuck no” territory. Got no issue with people’s private kinks (shit, I domme a guy who is into this soooo) but that is fucking disgusting and I would have a hard time not resorting to fisticuffs if some jackass stranger or coworker “nipped” my shirt. Boundaries, learn them.

yeah, don’t force other people to participate in your kink

“Even when I worked in PC World I would sometimes walk up to people and nip at their shirt. I got in trouble once; someone walked into the PC repair centre and I had part of their dad’s computer in my mouth. But the other staff knew I was like that to everyone. They didn’t find it weird.”