
Then indict her. That is actually a crime. I’m just not cool with the general notion that Bill Cosby drugged and assaulted women because she wasn’t wife enough for him.

Lord knows I loved making people uncomfortable in depositions, when appropriate, but this is kind of over the top. Whether or not she thinks her husband “acted with a lack of integrity” during their marriage isn’t relevant or likely to lead to any admissible evidence. If you’re gonna harass a witness, at least have

I have no idea what she knew, but questions about whether she feels he broke his marriage vows don’t do anything to prove anything. It’s acknowledged that he was unfaithful. Asking her about her marriage in that way isn’t useful, and I’d probably tell him to take a long walk off a short pier. Just because your

Is that like what Hillary is accused of?

To be fair, I would rather shut my TV off and look at the wall for thirty minutes than watch these two backwards, dangerous garbage people prop one another up on network television.

ugh Mr Pooslie was making shelves for our bathroom* and cut himself with a chisel and had to get 6 stitches last Saturday. He was like “just tape it up” umm no it is pulsing, you have nicked an artery.

I’m fairly sure major home improvement is also the number one indicator for divorce- so it’ll either lead to instant death or the slower death of your relationship. Don’t do it.

As a vagina-haver, this seems like a pointless waste of money. If tampons are too complicated for you, don't use them.

What the hell are you talking about? They’re talking about men with cancer and veterans who had their junk blown off in combat and other people who have been in disfiguring accidents. Not dudes who were injured by an attempted assault victim.

I don’t know this Cristen person and I’m sure she’s a lovely human being, but it’s pretty fucking ridiculous to see someone being pretty fucking disappointed that a “feminist website” (that, btw, has repeatedly and explicitly refused to market itself as “feminist”) hasn’t done enough to glorify a fucking wedding that

Neither my wife nor I enjoy dancing, so we didn’t dance at our wedding. We didn’t do that thing where we mash the cake in eachother’s faces, either.


wedding-industrial complex

Unless the wedding is a women castrating, disemboweling and showering in her future husband’s blood while reciting a few pieces of Audre Lorde’s writing,(while wearing white, of course, YOU CAN’T HAVE A WEDDING UNLESS YOU ARE WEARING WHITE) IT IS NOT A FEMINIST WEDDING. GET OUT. GO ON. GET.

The article seems a touch insufferable. Not this one here on Jez, but the original. I could be wrong, but I have no intentions of clicking through to find out.

Didn’t read the Times article, but ugh. Just do your own thing for your wedding. If your identity is so wrapped up in labels that your wedding has to be ‘southern’, ‘feminist’, ‘bo-ho’, ‘natural’ etc with a label, you’re doing it for the wrong reasons. I could look back at my wedding and say my husband and I made

An autistic kid can be awesome or be an asshole or both, just like regular kids. But a dead kid is a dead kid. Source: proud mom of a mostly awesome autistic kid.

Mothers-in-law should be banned from ever discussing the reproductive systems of their daughters-in-law. I will vote for whoever makes this part of their platform.

You’re no more defective than anyone who has anything different about them. Kids with diabetes aren’t defective; amputees aren’t defective; people who are 6'5" aren’t defective. Don’t talk to yourself like this and don’t wallow. Your path is different. So what. The point isn’t the childbirth, it’s the family.

Yeah well that's all fine and good but that guy bugs the shit out of me.