
“I can assure you that the Patriots have the best, most luxurious offense planned for next week. It’s gonna make your head spin it’s so good.”

I asked my coworker, Tim Brady, what he thought about Trump and his plans for Muslims, and he told me to get the fuck out of his cubicle. Also I’m not a reporter. Can I still have $100?

How do you rehabilitate a false image? That’s her problem. She’s facing the natural blowback of a series of very poor decisions. If she wants redemption, she needs to acknowledge that she’s playing a black person, that she’s not black, that she cannot reasonably expect to continue living in this persona she created.

Jihadis like these two think it’s an honor to the whole family to die as a “martyr.” They truly may have thought they are leaving their daughter a legacy of honor. It’s fucked up, but these are real beliefs that real people hold.

They should move to a place where no one will ever know. And, they should pretend she’s theirs. She doesn’t need to know the truth on this one.

I think he knows perfectly well that this is unrealistic, and opposed by those who actually need the list to remain secret. To begin with, he knows that the Terror Watch List and the No Fly list are different things. The Terror Watch List just means that you are under investigation. Nobody need to prove anything,

Why then, given the high percentage of gun-toting Americans, have we not once seen this theory come to fruition?

Neat idea, but there’s no way this law would fly (pun intended). The Supreme Court would overturn it on the first go-round.

Says the worst president in the history of the United States.

Why don’t you go try to confiscate them and see what happens? Let us know how that works out.

It dawns on me that they might be baiting them. If they (the US) makes themselves easy to attack then ISIS members will engage. If they engage I imagine that helps track them, and ultimately hunt them down. It might be a smart tactic dressed up to look stupid.

I'm only an hour and a half away from Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg and they're some of my favorite places on earth. So many good memories.

I’ve always wanted to go to dollywood even though I’m not like that much of a fan of dolly I just have never really gotten into it but did you read the linked interview from this article?

I mean that’s Dolly’s whole thing though. She celebrates the great parts of her family and culture even though they obviously struggled. That’s why she made Dollywood as a celebration and to bring jobs into her community so others wouldn’t struggle as much as she did. Her tiny house model isn’t there as a woe is me

Put their opinions and a 10 pound bag of flour on a scale. It’ll register exactly 10 pounds (or less if some of the flour flees in disgust)

The Views Weighs In... With Uninformed Speculation

I could see how it could be distressing for the poor goanna. “Why is tree moving and making loud noises?? What is red sap?? This tree WEIRD!”

I miss the days of Ronald Reagan and the notion that we don’t negotiate with (and thus legitimize) terrorism. Now our government, devoid of leadership, is engaging in internet arguments with them.

Dear Florida Woman,