
I would give anything to see Terry Bollea’s face if he ever saw that Jezebel printed an article admonishing others for disseminating private pictures without the subjects consent ...

It is also interesting how of all the pundits declaring that HRC was a sure thing, including Jezebel themselves, it is the non-white person that Jezebel conveniently decided to throw under the bus.

Hard to imagine given she just walked off tonight once the outcome was clear without even sparing a word for the supporters who had stood by her all day.

Seriously? A woman is horrifically murdered through no fault of her own, and the majority of responses are jokes referring to the election? Wonder if the response would have been the same if it was a young white woman rather then a woman of color who had been the victim ...

Lol, at potterpoet desperately dismissing anyone responding to her posts and solely replying to herself like a crazy person. Here are some of the responses she dismissed because she is utterly incapable of any questioning of her position:

I thought Anna Merlan was supposed to be covering all the UVA/Rolling Stone-related stories? I wonder why she is now suddenly reluctant to report on the case once a court found that a media source can be held to be legally liable if they continue to defend an obviously false allegation of rape even after evidence that

Potterpoet has repeatedly maintained that all the members of the fraternity in 2014 should be held responsible for an assault committed by an unrelated member of the fraternity in 1984. I assume potterpoet feels that going through discovery will somehow vindicate this irrational position:

Only if you are trying to hide the fact that the fraternity was only labeled as a “rape house” by people like potterpoet who think that all the members of a fraternity in 2016 should be held responsible for a rape committed in 1984, and that the rape of one white woman is equal in magnitude to the lynching of

The fraternity was only labeled as a “rape house” by people like potterpoet who think that all the members of a fraternity in 2016 should be held responsible for a rape committed in 1984, and that the rape of one white woman is equal in magnitude to the lynching of thousands of African-American men:

The fraternity was only labeled as a “rape house” by people like potterpoet who think that all the members of a fraternity in 2016 should be held responsible for a rape committed in 1984, and that the rape of one white woman is equal in magnitude to the lynching of thousands of African-American men:

The fraternity was only labeled as a “rape house” by people who think that all the members of a fraternity in 2016 should be held responsible for a rape committed in 1984, and that the rape of one white woman is equal in magnitude to the lynching of thousands of African-American men:

“Anna voted for Jill Stein in 2012!”

And cue once again the whining by some that having African-Americans, transgendered individuals and (gasp!) overweight people cast as the leads of a remake a film they watched 25 years ago is destroying their childhoods. Sorry, people other than attractive white women can be comedic leads. African-Anericans,

Lol, it is like j-mm wants to promote an interpretation of events not in any way supported by the facts and will dismiss any evidence that contradicts what she wants to believe is reality or something ...

TIL that a judge and jury with full access to available evidence relevant to the case are less capable of providing a just verdict then the random internet commenter you are replying to, j-mm,’s horse sense filter ... and that when anyone points out what a ridiculous position that is, she will cowardly dismiss the

TIL that a judge and jury with full access to available evidence relevant to the case are less capable of providing a just verdict then random internet commenter j-mm’s horse sense filter ... and that when you point out what a ridiculous position that is, she will cowardly dismiss the comment, admitting that her

TIL that a judge and jury with full access to available evidence relevant to the case are less capable of providing a just verdict then random internet commenter j-mm’s horse sense filter.

Seriously, fuck UVA Jackie and her entire internet cheer squad for giving dipshits an example of one false accusations which will be used for years to justify ignoring genuine cases like this one.

Hey treetrips, have a pat on the head, ya weirdo. Good on you for your two lazy as shit, half-assed generic posts which pretty much proved my exact goddamn point; that you are simply trolling to get a reaction without providing a single real argument as to why you disagree with my position and as such, warrant a

Lol, I like how you are utterly incapable of producing any citations or links that back up your claims and so instead resort to demanding that I be the one to google or otherwise locate evidence to support your claims. But yes, a quick google of Tostee and counterfeit provides numerous articles stating that as an 17