
That is amazing. You dismiss people that call you out only for wishing serious harm on innocent kids, when they didn't even resort to name calling. Well, i will call you names now. You are a troll and a cunt, to use your own word.

Trayvon was already walking — trying to fucking walk home. I guess he was supposed to hop a ride on the magic I'm Sorry I'm Black Bus that appears when someone thinks you're scary. It plays "Accidental Racist" on a blaring speaker as it drives to the Black people part of town so everyone around can relax.

Makes sense, since my thoughts pretty much consist of:

Ok, now I'm thinking I need to bring cake to my classes in the fall. I'm taken, I just have a hard time making friends.

Yes, because not finding your wish that we go back to killing or mutilating ourselves to be in any way funny makes us humorless. You got us.

I think you did a very good job at keeping this Dirt Bag appropriate and understated, in light of all the sadness people are feeling today.

But...but that's what we hired them to do! Surely they would do that, wouldn't they? WOULDN'T THEY?!

Well, I mean, what else are they going to do with their time? Fix the budget? Create jobs? Reform immigration? I mean, come on.

That would require so much more planning and conspiracy on the parts of these individuals, which requires me to assume they have intelligence. Don't make me think they have intelligence. I'm...I'm just not ready for that, yet.

Because that's what they want. They want women to die from illegal abortions so that the rest of us sluts will learn that our only place in life is in the kitchen and breeding.

I think they just smugly believe that those women "deserve what they get." Which is disgusting. "Pro-life" my fat arse.

"Protecting women's health" is like "Saving unborn babies." No one actually believes that shit. They just say it because they realize "We think women who have sex for any reason other than procreation are dirty sluts who deserve to be punished" wouldn't be a popular enough slogan.

I pay attention to their disingenuous "pro-life" bullshit if Texas wasn't 50TH in access to prenatal care. Fucking 50th. Jump up my ass, fuckers.

This dude is supposed to be an advertising legend? Not exactly a sterling endorsement for his mad selling skillz.

Are you using it correctly? When you insert it into your body, do you say a small prayer to the mother Goddess in order for it to seal? When you remove it, do you either

As someone who keeps a kosher kitchen, thank you for holding off until someone shows you the ropes. I've made enough of my dairy spoons unusable by accidentally dropping them into a sink full of meat dishes that I'm understanding when someone else messes up, but I do kinda miss the meat mug a roommate used for coffee

"Pray with me," he said
White powder tinted golden
By the light of dawn

What the fuck does he do with himself? Sit in the corner with a white noise fan on and look at colors and shapes?

Yes! Story time!
