
It's in engineering, so I had minimal room in my schedule for more diverse liberal arts classes. I've been listening to some podcasts from a philosophy course, and have taken history and anthropology courses through the services I mentioned before.

Are you familiar with Coursera/edx? They're online class platforms that have free classes from lots of different universities on lots of different subjects, if you're interested. I think they're fun to help me fill in gaps in my knowledge that came from getting a too-specialized degree.

Lube will (likely) be your friend; the amount that it reduces friction is truly astounding and can get you past some tightness from nerves, if necessary. However, try it on yourself, by yourself, first; I had a semi-bad reaction to the lube I used first and didn't know it until much later. I'm sure it contributed to

The coffee shop I worked at most recently made a macchiato by pouring a shot of espresso into a small amount of highly foamed milk, and a cortado by pouring a slightly larger amount of very wet (unfoamed) milk into a shot of espresso. I'm sure it differs place to place, but I've always had macchiatos that were as dry

That entire movie is, like, the epitome of the 90's to me. It is what I think of when I think of the 90's, and it's my go-to childhood nostalgia-movie.

I frequently request "kid's temp" if I'm uncertain of the coffee shop's usual practice; the term seems to be generally universal, and I'd rather have a cooler latte than one where the milk is scalded beyond all hope.

bone dry cortado

I couldn't even get past the opening bit about, "Our top buttons are undone," or whatever it was. Lordy.

OMG Stella's...I should go down there after work.

Same, actually - but only if my ENTIRE job in life was to be a parent, with MAYYYYYBE some cleaning up in there too. Basically, I'd have to be a rich housewife with at least one maid and possibly a nanny.

My mom actually had a prescription for them at one point (mostly meaning her insurance would help reimburse them? I don't think it was actually a prescription, but it was a doctor's order and did have meaning to insurance!). This is because she broke the shit out of her foot one time years ago, and has horrible

TOTALLY bought someone's friendship with a tiny crocheted Totoro once. It worked decently well.

This is just way too Handmaid's Tale for me. Urgh...

Ugh. Put that way, it's definitely even worse.

I'm still clinging to the belief that some of them really think they're helping people (which can be easily disabused by giving them enough facts), but I recognize that some of them are genuinely just out for punishing sex-lovin' ladies...

Glad to hear my caution is warranted! Funnily enough, I actually helped polish the silver at Passover, but it was with specific instruction and my boyfriend's aid.

The cognitive dissonance really just astounds me. How can they claim to be "protecting women's health" when it's been shown that, in lieu of safe and legal abortions, women will seek unsafe abortion methods? The only response is, "Well, that's their choice!", to which I say, "Yes - because you made it their only

Oh that makes it extra ridiculous. Thanks for the information. Urgh...

It is on them, and it's on the list of Things Fire Needs to Learn about Being Jewish, but there are other things that are higher up (and it is a looooong list). Now that I've been through a full year of the holidays, I'm trying to pick up more of the rules this year, especially regarding food.