
Have you ever heard of people who believe that evolution was the vehicle by which intelligent design happened? I ask because that's what I believed during my years of transition from religious upbringing to current agnosticism and questioning, but I've never heard anyone else say the same thing.

I've only been to the Met once, and while I'm not well-versed in art history or theory, we spent like, SIX HOURS running around that place.

Sun rise from the roof.

Only the highest of powers, apparently.

heheh...high visual...

Relatedly, my boyfriend's family is Jewish and keeps a Kosher kitchen. I'm not Jewish and since he doesn't keep Kosher himself, I don't have a too-firm grasp on the ins and outs of doing dishes in a Kosher kitchen. So far, we've just defaulted to having him bring me all the food and dishes I'd need, but I'd really

Yeah, it definitely could have been handled better - which is sad, since it's so nice to see them hiring a black model at all.

Aww. :( I'm sad to hear about that. I love you WAY MORE than I love her other grandkids, FWIW! ;)

I thought so at first? But it kinda seems like it's a longer word than "step". Oh well. We'll just go with step. It makes sense. (Except that they don't take steps.)

I've been feeling that way about a LOT of movies in the past few years...I'm not sure what that implies about me, or about movies.

It kinda looks like they used an odd-contrast filter for it - I have no idea if it was intentional or not, but they should probably know better even if it was just for artistic reasons. (Also, this makes me think about whether or not there'd be problematic assumptions underlying the artistic reasons...)

*shudder* Ew. I don't think I can come up with language that icks me out much more than "she's passing!" in that context.

That is easily the best thing I've read all day. :)

Eeek, that makes it seem way scarier somehow. *hides*

I am ashamed, but I can't quite figure out what she's saying. It's been a while since I saw that one. "Take it. One more..." what's the last word or two?

"I'm not always an asshole, but when I am, I'm high on catnip."

The idea of punching Prop 8 in the kidneys is a happy image. Thanks for that one!

I am so, so jealous. The place I work knows how badly they underpay us, and they know they can hire more desperate people to underpay if we quit, so they don't care even a little.

It's so hard to dissociate a sense of revenge from a desire for "justice". Thanks for the reminder.

Her explanations of depression and anxiety have always been incredibly helpful to me, as a sufferer of both to varying degrees - her writing is amazing and relateable, and I'm so happy to see this update from her!