Am playing FF9 right now. The story itself is still a GEM, but my GOD the gameplay is a pain in the ass
I can’t star you enough. Oh my god. I agree completely, and have agreed ever since my friends and I watched Advent Children way back in like ‘05 or whatever it was and watched that train wreck unfold.
I give the “DBZ fights” a pass, just because the original had plenty of that ridiculous anime style to i. Hell, most of the crazy acrobatic shit in Advent Children is straight-up the limit breaks from the game.
Oh I agree. The game isn’t perfect—Tim’s astounding FFVII translation video series helps shine light on that—but it was still a very good game with a good story. I’ve been working through the PS4 version myself and am sitting at the Glacier Village not wanting to bite that bullet just yet. But compared to everything…
I think everyone occasionally does things antithetical to our value systems. That’s what apologies are for!
That was Comey and not Mueller, no?
I’d be more disturbed by this if Takai wasn’t in his 80s and if this didn’t happen nearly 40 years ago. Arguably, all gay sex was criminal and deviant in the 1980s. Society repressed and shamed gays, forcing them underground, which means their outlets for sexual activity weren’t always healthy. And it was, even more…
Being Speared Gently was a mediocre follow up to Killing Me Softly.
T’Kuvma was much more charismatic than Voq. I was actually hoping he’d be the main bad guy. He was a lot more honorable than Kol.
I just assume the real Ash Tyler was a Starfleet POW who died and the Klingons used his likeness to transform Voq.
Stamets made it clear that Lorca was about to lose his toy, which (like when the Admiral threatened to ground Lorca) is a good reason to throw a wrench into things. So I’m not sure that Lorca had a specific plan, or if it was just can’t-go-home-yet.
Cue technobabble exposition sequence concluding that the only possible solution is to beam important members of the bridge crew aboard the Klingon vessel during its comically long decloaking sequence, rather than just shooting it or beaming aboard a very large explosive during the same sequence.
I thought it was a coincidence, but screengrabs of Lorca’s console after he punches in the coordinates say “Override - Lorca, G.” on the next-to-last line, so...maybe he did it?
There’s a screenshot showing Lorca rigged it floating around. Look at the display right before they jump, it says something like “LORCA OVERRIDE”
The wreckage looked like destroyed Narn ships. They’ve jumped into Babylon 5.
I think it was Lorca. He set a course for one of the alternate reality nodes instead of actually heading for Starbase 46.
If anything, this makes me want to play the game more just for the virtual (historical?) tourism aspect of it all. I’ll probably never get to go to Giza and I certainly won’t be allowed inside, so this is the next best thing?